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Ryujin began packing her stuff after getting her heart broken for some reason. Then, Chaeryeong showed up at the doorway, watching the younger packing.

" Ryujin-yah, are you sure you know what you're doing?? " Chaeryeong asked.

Ryujin scoffed. " Don't you have somewhere or something else to do?? Like fucking your Slut!! " Ryujin said, dragging her luggage.

She walked out of the room, leaving the older who's leaning against the door frame.

" Ryujin-yah, Pls let me explain-" Chaeryeong tried to persuade the younger but her sentence was cut off.

" No!! Don't you say another word!!! " the younger said without  turning her head around and didn't stop dragging her luggage.

The older sighed as Ryujin wouldn't stop holding her grudge since they both got back to the mansion.

Ryujin made her way out of the mansion to her Uber that she called in Chaeryeong's car ride.  She threw her luggage inside and put her whole body into the Uber.

" Oh and btw the papers will be at your doorstep by tomorrow " she said then shut the door.

As Chaeryeong was about to ran towards Ryujin's Uber, they were already gone out of the gate. The older sighed again then walked inside her own mansion.

She walked into her room which was used to be Ryuryeong shared room. She looked at the photos of the both of them.

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