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3rd Person POV:
Once the lift reached to the top floor, Ryujin got out & saw Chaeryeong putting some documents into her brief case.

" Are you leaving?? " Ryujin asked.

The older looked up then closed the brief case.

" Oh you're here, we're going to meet my parents, they wanna see us like a married couple" the older said.

Ryujin was now scared. Her thoughts were now focusing on how will her parents react to her daughter married to a college graduate.

The younger gulped then looked at the ground.

The older's finger lifted her chin.

" Don't worry, they'll like you & tbh, they're kinda softies like my sister " the older said with a small smile.

Ryujin locked her eyes with Chaeryeong's then nodded with a smile.

She patted Ryujin's head then carried her brief case to the lift while Ryujin follow her.


They both arrived at a tall white mansion. Ryujin was stunned by the beauty of it.

Chaeryeong went closer to her then leaned towards her ear.

" Relax, baby~ " Chaeryeong said.

Ryujin quickly came back to reality then Chaeryeong went to the door & ring the bell.

Later, a elderly man who's the butler opened the door & saw Chaeryeong with Ryujin.

" Is this your... " the butler asked without completing his sentence.

" wife, she's my wife " Chaeryeong  answered straight away.

The butler nodded then gestured the both of them to go in.

They both eventually went inside ethe building. Ryujin was still stunned by how beautiful this mansion is.

" Chaeryeong!! "

Ryujin's head turned to an elderly woman hugging Chaeryeong.

" It's so finally good to see you married to someone " Ms. Lee said.

" Hello Mother " she replied.

Ms. Lee broke the hug then peeked behind Chaeryeong.

" Sooo where is she?? " she asked with excitement.

" How did even know it's a she?? " Chaeryeong asked back.

" Well, your mother and I knew that you're gay already so where's your wife?? " a man said.

He popped out of nowhere then asked Chaeryeong about her wife too.

She sighed then called the younger's name.

" Ryujin-yah "

The younger looked at her then walked towards her & her parents.

She bowed to her parents.

" Hello, Ms. Lee & Mr. Lee " she greeted politely as she didn't want to embarrass the older.

The old couples chuckled. " Oh pls Ryujin, call us Eomma & Appa " Ms. Lee said with a smile.

" oh ok, E-Eomma " she replied.

" Omo she's so cute, no wonder you marry her " Ms. Lee said.

" She's even polite, you have good taste, Chaeryeong-yah " Mr. Lee said in approval.

Ryujin showed a smile. Mr & Ms. Lee lead the young married couple to their living room.

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