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3rd Person POV:
As Ryujin was clapping for Yulia, she turned to Yeji then she noticed the older's smile was kinda off.

She walked up to her then placed her hand on her shoulder.

" Hey, you alright, unnie?? " she asked softly. Even though Yeji was not, she nodded then walked away.

Ryujin watched the older walking then she looked at the couple who's hugging each other.

She then looked at where the older heading to. Without wasting time, she ran to the Yeji as quickly as possible before she got out of Ryujin's sight.


Finally, after running around, she ran to a garden that was full of lovely statues & rose bushes. After admiring the garden, Ryujin finally caught up to Yeji.

She held onto Yeji's shoulder which causes her to look at the panting younger.

" Ryujin?? " Yeji asked.

In Yeji's sight, Ryujin was panting like a dying rat and was bending down.

" Sorry, I just wanna make sure you're ok & asking. Why you look so down just now?? " Ryujin asked.

Yeji then looked at the ground.

" unnie, you know you couldn't hold your feelings for long, just tell me " Ryujin said.

Yeji then looked at her.

" I'm listening " Ryujin said with  smile.

Yeji sighed.

" Ok, I'll tell " Yeji said, clearing her throat & gathering all her courage to speak.

" Soooo here's the thing, don't get mad or sue me as what I'm about to tell you this " Yeji said.

" Ok ok I won't, just tell me already " Ryujin said, chuckling at the older.

Yeji took a deep breath.

" I think I'm falling in love " Yeji finally said it. She admitted her love for Yulia.

" Well that's great, unnie. Soo who's the lucky one?? " Ryujin said.

" Umm yea, that's what I'm afraid to tell you umm. I'm in love with your sister and your friend " Yeji said, her head hung low.

Ryujin eye's widened as she had never heard a famous model like Yeji would love two girls.

" Wooooah ok, this is complicated " Ryujin said.

" tsk, tell me about it. They're a couple now & I can't interfere that. I mean I do love them but I'm not willing to let them sacrifice their love for each other " Yeji said.

Ryujin's face was in disbelief as she heard the older's every words.

" Oh wow, even for a model, you're very wise, no offense " Ryujin said.

" Non taken " Yeji said with a smile.

" So what are you gonna do now?? " Ryujin asked.

" Idk maybe moving on. I can't love them both forever, right " Yeji said with a little sadness.

" Oh um Ryujin, can you keep this as a secret, between the two of us?? " Yeji asked.

Ryujin thought about it for a second then nodded with a smile.

" Oh Thank you, Anyways, I gotta go. I have a photoshoot going on soon, byee " Yeji said, ran inside the mansion.

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