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Chaeryeong's POV:
A few weeks ago after Ryujin left my life, I suddenly felt like I had a knife that just stabbed into my heart. I started to cry myself to sleep every night. My energy had been running low, even after I have my coffee.

Oh I also gave Chaeryeon unnie Ryujin's number since she had already blocked me. Anyways, I don't know what the heck is wrong with me until today. After working some files, I went to see a professional therapist. She called the therapist's number while driving in not so crowded road.

" Hey " I said.

" Are you free?? "

" Oh thank god, listen umm.. I kinda need your emotional support and your sympathy cuz.... I really need it now "

" Really?? "

" Oh thanks...... Ok bye "

I ended the call then focused on the road again where there's surprisingly not a lot of cars driving.


I sighed as I was lying on my couch with my so called therapist was sitting in a chair that's next to the couch.

She crossed her legs and grabbed a notepad and a pen to write or draw some nonsense.

" So why'd you call me again?? " Yeji asked.

" Bcuz you're the closest I know and you're very wise on advice sometimes which means I trust you so yea " I said.

" Also I've been feeling weird lately and I don't know what kind of feeling is that " I continued my sentence.

" Hmm could you tell what makes you think that you're being abnormal than usual " she asked.

" Well, I've cried every night to sleep, I keep acting like a dead rat which means everything I do.. I always don't get active like usual.. And my heart felt like it's sunk deep down.. " I blurted out.

I saw Yeji nodded then wrote all of description that I just told.

" Ah, good news. I see the problem now " Yeji said with a smile.

" you do?? " I asked, sitting up on the couch.

" Well, with all of the words you've just said.....there could only one explaination that's very logical " Yeji said dramatically and leaving me, waiting for her to say it with a ' are you done ' face.

" You're being emotionally heartbroken " Yeji said very smoothly, without hesitation.

I looked at Yeji for awhile then looked at the floor.

" Wow, you can tell all that within a second... I'm impressed " I obviously wasn't lying. Yeji smiled at the my response then she got up from her chair.

She went to the couch where I'm sitting on and sat next to me.

" Thanks, Is there anything else you like to say?? " Yeji thanked and asked.

" Nah, I think there's everything " I said, got up from the couch and took one step up the stairs.

" Eh, No No. You're not going up there to cry again. We're going to an ice cream shop whether you like it or not " Yeji said.

I groaned then lazily walked down the stairs with my arms crossed. " Fine, but you're paying " I said with a pout.

" Hehe, of course I will, my child " Yeji said, patting the my fucking head. " Besides, ice cream also can make people forget about their breakups "

I just nodded then walked to the front door and grabbed my car keys.

" I also will be the one to drive " the cat-like lady said, taking the keys out of my hand.

I then rolled my eyes then walked out of the mansion meanwhile I can hear that Yeji was chuckling as she knew how annoyed I was.


Ryujin's POV:
I yawned as I woke up from my so called one hour nap when it's already 5p.m. That's funny cause I slept at 3:30p.m. due to exhaustion from working at a nearby cafe.

I've dealt with an angry Karen, needy customers who kept calling me to help with some nonsense they does and a very very flirty workers. Ugh, I wish I was with Chaeryeong unnie instead of sticking to this new job.

Ugh, I really hate to admit it but this is gonna be a burden to me if I don't say it out loud.

" I missed you, Chaeryeong unnie " I said, sighing and cupping my own face with both two of my hands.

" I just wish that you didn't lie straight to my face "

I gripped my hair as I was fucking frustrating about my so called ' love life ' but without the love. I groaned and gripped my hair tightly continuously.

Then, a ' ding ' sound coming out of my phone which made me quickly turned my head and took it aggressively.

My eyes glued to the screen and saw the weirdest and the strangest message from an Unknown Number.

Hey um, Ryujin.
Can we meet up like right now in XXXXXXX Cafe??

Umm who's this??

It's Chaeyeon...

Oh My God, is HER AgAIN!!!!UGH!!

Unknown change to CrazyChae🙄

Oh umm. What do you want from me??

I obviously tried not to make it sound so rude since she almost raped me when I'm meeting my WIFe's FUcKINg PaREntS who are basically her parents too. Ugh!!! I can't stand her- OOh she replied.

Umm I kinda wanna talk to you...
So will you pls come🥺??
I mean I'm not forcing u or anything....

I sighed in defeat as I looked at her desperate reply. So I agreed to go see her later. I'm kinda curious what and why she wanna talk to me bout.

Fine, I'll meet u there😒

Oh thank u, don't worry.
I won't try to make you uncomfortable like last time😁

Yea, sure u won't

I switched off my phone before she could even reply. I stared up the ceiling for awhile then sighed again.

" Well, guess I'm gonna have to change again " I said witha annoyed tone.

I got up lazily from the couch then went into my room as I changed out of a plain T-shirt and sweatpants into a hoodie and a baggy pants.

I grabbed my car keys and my room keys then rushed to the elevator and pressed the down button.

The doors automatically opened, I stepped in quickly and pressed the ' G ' button then the doors closed.

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