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After a month later, the lovely married young couple came back from their honeymoon in Japan. So, now it's time for them to work and work until they can't feel their own finger tips.

Ryujin sighed as she plopped on the mansion's couch. She threw her head back, revealing her neck. She closed her eyes and slick her hair back a bit.

" Oh My god, these bags are heavy " the younger complained.

That's when Chaeryeong came along and giggled at the sight of her tired wife. She sat next her and put the luggages aside for the maids to move them up to their room.

" You know, that was an 9 hours flight. You also did nothing but sitting down, watching movies, my jagi " Chaeryeong exclaimed.

Ryujin tilted her head and looked at the older. She sat in a proper position and pretended like she was offended.

" Uh, well I never been more insulted " the younger turned her head to the other direction and pouted her lips.

Chaeryeong's chuckles were heard but then there was an unexpected ringtone popped up. Chaeryeong picked up the call and Ryujin immediately turned her head to the older.

" Put it on speaker " Ryujin suggested. Chaeryeong did as she was told.

" Hello " Chaeryeong greeted.

" Oh, Chaer!! Thank god, u're there. Um I need a bit of an advice and tips " Yeji said.

The older looked at Ryujin in confusion on her face.

" Why?? " she asked.

" Bcuz ur bestie is officially dating 2 girls and might be in an official relationship with them " Yeji chirped happily.

" Oh MY God, That's Great News!! But since when are you pan? " Chaeryeong exclaimed.

" Yea!! Congrats, unnie!! " Ryujin cheered.

" Hehe thanks. Anyways, back to the purpose of me calling. Um I kinda having trouble with preparing romantic dates "

" Heck, I don't even have an experience of dating two lovely girls " Yeji continued.

" Ok, calm down. I'll tell what u need to know about them, for my bestie's and sister's sakes " Ryujin said, taking the older's phone.

" Oh really?? Thanks, I owe you, Ryujin-ah " Yeji said.

" Ok, here's the plan "

Ryujin started blurting out some info about Yulia's interests and some places for Yeji to take them. Once Yeji was done listing down, she thanked the younger then hang up the call.

Ryujin looked at her left side and saw Chaeryeong, sleeping like a baby. Aww cute. Ryujin thought.

She smiled at the view then she shook the sleeping fox a little. Chaeryeong opened her eyes then put up her hand, signalling Ryujin to give her the phone.

The younger gladly gave it to her and went to the kitchen. Chaeryeong tilted her head like one of those cute tiny animals popped their heads up.

" Where you're going?? "

" Kitchen. I need to make pizza for Yeji unnie's date " the short hair girl answered.

" Do you even know who she's dating are?? " the older asked again.

" Yea, Jisu and Yuna " Ryujin dropped the ingredients on the kitchen counter. Luckily, they didn't spill or make a mess.

" My bestie and my sister are dating her so that's how I help Yeji unnie on her date " the younger continued.

" Oh, need any help?? It's the weekend after all " the older asked.

" Sure, get your ass up and read the instructions for me "


After approximately 15 minutes or when Ryujin put the unbakee pizza in the oven, they both could finally rest. Tho, they can't smashed their tired bodies on the couch since they were covered in flour.

So, Chaeryeong sat on a chair and pulled Ryujin on her lap. The older then attacked her neck that wasn't covered in flour. Ryujin begun to squirm and chuckle due to the tickle ness.

" Stoooop. Yah Unnie!! " Ryujin whined.

" Ok ok " the older said, still chuckling.

" So what time was her date suppose to start?? " the older asked.

" Hmmm in about one and a half hour " Ryujin answered with a cute innocent face.

" Ah, is that so. Then, we'll just watch Netflix for the time being " Chaeryeong said.

She pulled Ryujin up on the counter and placed her legs on her own hips. Let the younger wrapped her amrs around the older's neck.

Then, she carried Ryujin by grabbing on her ass. She walked to the living room, letting her head snuzzled Ryujin's neck. The younger got a bit ticklish from Chaeryeong's hot breath.


After 8 minutes later, Ryujin heard a 'ding' sound from the oven. She tilted her head then pushed Chaeryeong's head away from her neck. She ran to the kitchen, wearing mittens then carefully took out the hot pizza.

Chaeryeong came in just in time, she wore her extra mittens then helped Ryujin to place the hot tray on the counter. She then rushed to get a tong and a tupperware.

As she got the things, she heard a small 'OW'. She turned her head saw the younger, blowing her finger. She sighed softly then walked towards Ryujin.

" Aish, go rinse it with water jagi. I'll put the pizza in the tupperware " she said. Ryujin nodded theen rushed to the kitchen sink.

The older used the tongs then placed the pizza into it. She closed the tupperware and smiled at their hardwork.

Then, she turned around to see Ryujin, putting a plaster on her burned finger. " Ryujin, you know better than to touch burned metal with your naked hands " Chaeryeong nagged.

" Yea, yea, I'm just worried about the time " Ryujin said.

" Why did Yeji even want a homecook pizza anyway??? " the older asked.

" My sister and Jisu loves pizza but they also prefer homecook pizza on dates " Ryujin said with a smile.

" Ah, shall we get going, me lady?? " Chaeryeong asked in a teasing way. She lend her arm for Ryujin to cling on to.

Ryujin instantly rolled her eyes then cling onto the older's arm. While the other hand was holding the tupperware. Then, they walked out of the mansion like a happy couple.

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