♔20♔* FINAL *

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3 years later, Ryuryeong had finally became a whole family. They both adopted a wonderful 8 year old boy and an adorable 6 year old girl. The fun part was that they both were blood-related to each other.

Not only Ryuryeong got their beautiful family, Yejisu got themselves children as well. They got three little cuties. Other than adopting children, they were also getting married.

" Oh My God, you look like an pure angel " Ryujin said, staring at her little sister.

Yuna twirled her white dress around for Ryujin to make her look. The older was speechless in a good way then hugged the younger.

" I can't believe my Yuna is getting married after 3 years " Ryujin sniffled. Yuna was touched by the older's comment then hugged her back.

" Yea, aunt Yuna. You look Beautiful!!! " Charyu squealed.

" I don't even notice you're wearing any makeup, Eomma " Yuji said, leaning back on a chair.

" Hehe thanks, child " Yuna replied. The Shin sisters pulled away from the hug then the bride got startled by Jiji.

Jiji suddenly jumped into Yuna's arms and cupped her face.

" Woah, you look even better from up close " Jiji smiled. Yuna chuckled then placed Jiji on Yuji's lap.

" Oh hey, where's your son?? " Ryujin asked.

" Oh he's with Jisu unnie and Yeji unnie. Where else " Yuna rolled her eyes then got a smack from the older.

" You're setting a bad example to your kids, miss " Ryujin joked. They both chuckled then took their children out of the dressing room.

" Come on, I think they're waiting for the bride to show up " the older said, carrying Charyu with one arm and let Yuji and Jiji clinging on her legs.

" You sure you can handle them?? " Yuna asked. Ryujin nodded her head with a heart warming smile.

Then, they both begun walking to the hall where the ceremony was.


" Ooh, I hope she's here already. The wedding's gonna start soon " Yeji said, worrying that her bride won't show up.

" I'm sure she will, unnie. Just be patient"  Jisu said.

" But what if she changed her mind?? " Yeji asked again.

" Aish, she won't unnie. I guarantee it. Remember I used to think like that but I still ended up getting married " Chaeryeong smiled at her best friend.

" Aunt Chaeryeong is right. You've been with Eomma Shin since forever. There's no way she could change her mind that fast " Yenu being the little genius he was, comforting his mother with some wise words.

Yeji smiled at her son then ruffled his hair and tidying up his suit. She mouthed ' thank you ' to the boy who nodded his head.

" Oh, here they come!!! " Ryerung pointed at the door, making everyone face there.

In the right time, the door suddenly opened revealing Ryujin ran in with the children and the most angelic bride standing with a of white roses bouquet.

As the kids ran to the front where Chaeryeong and Yejisu was, Ryujin walked Yuna down the aisle. The crowd was so amazed to see Yuna in a white gown and Ryujin in a charming blue dress.

Yeji's and Jisu's jaws dropped in shocked when they saw the bride while Ryerung and Yenu smiled. As for Chaeryeong, she looked at Yuna for a second then averted her eyes on her wife.

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