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Yeji ran out of the building while still holding Yulia's wrists. She stopped at her track when they made it on the sidewalk.

She released from her grip from Yulia's wrists then turned around to look at the both of them.

" Oh thanks for saving me, y'all " Yeji thanked them both with a smile.

" Np, unnie but if you don't mind, can I ask a question about what happened just now?? " Yuna asked.

Yeji shook her head. " No, I don't. Ask away " Yeji said.

" So um how long have he raped you?? " the youngest asked.

Yeji sighed then hung her head low. " Well um, ever since I've became a model... He said he'll make a famous one if I did what he say and my old idiot self agreed   on that... Then, that's when her started to show his true colors. He immediately took my first kiss, forcing me to strip myself and forcing me to suck his dick " Yeji said, letting out all her tears.

That's when Jisu and Yuna stepped in to comfort her. They both hugged her tightly with affection.

" It's ok, unnie " Yuna said, caressing Yeji's head. Yeji then laid her head on Yuna's shoulder.

" You don't have to continue if you feel uncomfortable " Jisu said, caressing the oldest's back.

Yeji snuffles due to her runny nose when she's crying. Yuna saw then quickly took a tissue from her purse.

She gave the tissue to Yeji and the oldest gladly took it then blew her nose in it. Yet, she continues to cry.

Yuna and Jisu's heart couldn't take the sight of their crush crying no longer so they both took Yeji's hand then squeezed it.

Yeji looked at them then at her hands.

" Listen, unnie " Jisu said, making Yeji tilted her head. " It's ok, now. He won't come near you again, not after I've recorded their whole thing " Jisu said.

" True & if you're wondering how we got there, well..... We were walking then saw you going into a building so we followed you bcuz we've got nothing to do🙃 " Yuna said with an innocent smile.

Yeji chuckled then hugged them once again. " Well, I'm glad you both did " Yeji said.

The two girls were both in disbelief and joy from the hug. They eventually hugged back then were pulled away from the hug.

" Oh um unnie " Yuna called.

" Hm yea?? " Yeji asked.

" So um.... Since we're here, I might as well confessed something that keeps on bothering me " Yuna said, looking at the ground.

Jisu noticed the youngest was getting shy then that's when she realized it.

" Oh umm yea, I also have to come clean with something as well " Jisu said, mirroring Yuna's action.

" Hehe, why so shy?? But yea, say it " Yeji said.

They both took a deep breath then shut their eyes tightly.

" I love you " Yuna said.

" I think I love you " Jisu said.

They both reopened their eyes then looked at each other. " You too??!! " they both asked in sync.

" Oh My God, what a relief. I thought this was gonna be hard " Jisu said, chuckling.

" Hehe tbh, I've kinda know it but I didn't expect it to be real " Yuna said, chuckling as well.

Yeji looked at the both of them in confusion. " What?? " Yeji asked.

" We both love you, unnie. As in real love, not celebrity love or admiration " Jisu said, wrapping her arms around Yuna's shoulders.

Yeji showed off her smile. " I love you both too " she said.

" Sooo, are we gonna kiss now?? " Yuna asked. Yeji chuckled then moved closer to her.

She smashed her lips onto Yuna's then cupped her face. Yuna kissed back and held Yeji's wrists. Jisu was just watching with a smile as the two of them kissing.

Yeji broke the kiss then kissed Jisu's lips. She cupped her face and Jisu kisses back then held her wrists.


In the office, there's a massive amount of employees, walking around with files and earpieces placed in their ears.

Ryujin was busy talking with Karina during her break in the office break room.

Chaeryeong was followed by her assistant who's holding files and biting her lip, looking at her boss seductively.

Once they both arrived at Chaeryeong's office, she sat down and took the files from her assistant.

As she was looking at the files, her assistant was being her slutty self, unbuttoning her shirt a bit.

When she finished unbuttoning five buttons at the top, she leaned in closer to Chaeryeong.

At that moment, when Chaeryeong looked up, she saw her slutty assistant showing off her busted boobs.

" Park Yongri, I've already told you a few months ago. I Have A Wife " Chaeryeong said sternly, arranging her completed files then walked away from her desk.

Then, she got pulled by her stubborn assistant and got slammed on the wall,her wrists was also pinned onto it.

She groaned in pain then looked at Yongri angrily. " What the fuck is wrong with you, huh!! " she yelled.

" My addiction for you, that's what's wrong " she replied with a smirk.

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes then faced to the other side. " God, this is embarrassing " she mumbled.

" Don't worry, baby " Yongri said as she leaned in closer to Chaeryeong's face.

" It's only the two of us, here " she said then starts to suck Chaeryeong's neck. Causing the older to let out a moan.

" Yah, Stop It Park Youngri!! " Chaeryeong scolding the slut. However, the assistant just continued giving hickeys on her neck.

Then, her eyes' travelled up to Chaeryeong's lips. The older noticed it then she starts to squirm but Yongri didn't care.

As she was leaning onto Chaeryeong's lips, the door opened which caused their head to turn.

They both saw Ryujin, standing there and looking at them in disbelief.

" Lee Chaeryeong unnie, is this true?? " Ryujin asked.

Chaeryeong kicked Yongri away then walked up to Ryujin. " Ryujin-yah, I can explain- "

" Explain what??!! That you, the CEO made out with another girl while YOU HAVE A WIFE " Ryujin yelled with tears rolling down her face.

" No, It's Not- "

It was too late for the older to finish her sentences when Ryujin just ran out of the office.

Chaeryeong sighed then looked at her assistant. She walked towards her then slapped her cheek really hard.

" YOU'RE FIRED, SECURITY " Chaeryeong yelled then two bodyguards came in then carried Yongri away.


The older heard Yongri screaming and squirming from the bodyguards grip. Chaeryeong sighed again and packing her things.

She also ran out of the office to find Ryujin. Otherwise, the younger will get raped or kidnapped.

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