♔17♔ { ᴡɪɴʀɪɴᴀ }

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Nothing too big and nothing too serious, tomorrow it's just their first honeymoon and Chaeryeong had planned out everything for herself and her wife.

At first, Ryujin wanted to adopt a kid but she then realized that she's not ready to be a mother till 5 more years. Chaeryeong chuckled at Ryujin's reaction when she realized how much labor that mothers always does.

Chaeryeong was busy filing up some papers and calling Karina to send them to other companies and today, they had a meeting with the Kim Company.

While the older was in her office, Ryujin was asked to stand outside of the building to look out for the Kim's. She yawned and looked at her watch as they were late.

She sighed and tapping her foot impatiently. Then, she saw a black limo was pulled up in front of her then she begun to smile just for a good impression.

An elderly woman came out then a elderly man and a young-looking girl came out. They all looked at the building then at Ryujin.

" Welcome to Lee Co, Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim. I'm Shin Ryujin " she smiled and offered a handshake.

"  Great to meet you. Oh if y'all don't mind, I brought my daughter with haha " he brought his child in front of him and she was looking at Ryujin from top to bottom, basically looking at her in a flirty way.

" Hi, I'm Kim Min Jeong. But call me Winter " she smiled. Ryujin nodded then smiled back at the Kims.

" Haha, oh no it's fine, I guess. Come, Ms. Lee's waiting for your arrival " Ryujin said, turning back then walked straight into the building with the visitors following.


They all arrived at the meeting room, there were no employees around but there's Ms. Lee aka. Chaeryeong. She got up and walked towards Ryujin and the Kims.

" Good afternoon, Mr. Kim. The meeting doesn't start until 2. What's the rush?? " she asked, noticing the Kims was early. She also noticed a young-looking girl was checking on her wife.

She secretly groaned then looked back at Mr. Kim. " And I see you brought a visitor with you " she said.

" Oh uh I don't mind her. She's our daughter. Yah, Minjeong, don't stand there to look people like that. It's unprofessional " Mrs. Kim said.

Winter rolled her eyes then walked towards her parents. Leaving Ryujin to let out a sigh of relief, holding a clipboard against her chest.

" I'm Kim Min Jeong but call me Winter " she smiled. But the older knew it was a fake smile. She didn't wanna say anything so she just sighed and told the Kims to sit.

" Well since the both of you are here, let's begin the meeting " Chaeryeong said, pulling out a big graph, a whiteboard full of marketing things and a long pointer.

" So we all know that our company had saved up way less but way more than we usually saved, right?? "

They all nodded.

" And your company had also saved up the same amount as ours "

They all nodded their head again.

" So as the CEO of Lee Coperation, I suggest that we both should collab our company at the moment so we could raise our economy way higher than the usual " she said.

Well, Chaeryeong was talking away, the secretary got really uncomfortable by the way the youngest was staring at her. She kept on moving to placed but Winter will kept on checking her out.

Chaeryeong noticed then she stopped her presentation halfway then called out the younger.

" Ryujin-yah, could you help me out with this graph?? I believe that you're the one who made this. So it's easier for to explain these to them " Chaeryeong said. Ryujin turned to her then nodded as she understood the assignment.

She walked to the big whiteboard and mouthed ' thank you ' at the older. She turned to the Kims and beginning to explain the details.


By the end of the meeting, they walked out of the building. Mr and Mrs Kim agreed with the collaboration with the Lee CO.

Chaeryeong thanked them and then she turned to her side, seeing no Ryujin. She looked around then saw Winter, trying to kiss Ryujin.

Smoke coming out of her ears, her face is red and she marched behind Winter who's trapping Ryujin against the wall.

" Look, sweetie. This is flattering but I'm married " she showed Winter her ring then the youngest scoffed.

" And who's that mighty knight of yours?? " she asked mockingly. Ryujin looked behind Winter then smirked.

" She's no knight, she's my queen " she pointed behind Winter.

Winter turned around then saw Chaeryeong who's glaring at her. The youngest eyes widened then she gulped all her saliva.

" I'm s-sorry for flirting with your wife. I-i just -I didn't know haha " Winter said awkwardly.

" Well, now you know little girl " the older said with a monotone.

Then, there's another girl running towards them with a clipboard.

" Ms. Lee, there's seemed to be an error here. It's supposed to be sent to the owner, not the founder " Karina said.

" What?!! Well they could at least specify who's who!! " Chaeryeong said angrily.

Winter looked ta Karina and Karina looked at her. The youngest looked at the older with big doe eyes.

" Wow, you look so sexy " Winter blurted out. Karina let out a chuckled then walked closer to her.

Winter looked at the ground with her head turned to the other side. " Such a cutie, aren't you?? " Karina asked. Winter didn't reply as she's blushing like crazy.

The older took out a small piece of paper with her number on it and gave it to Winter. " Call me when you got the time " she winked at her then walked back to Chaeryeong.

Winter looked at the paper then smiled at it.

" Min Jeong-yah, hurry up!! " Ms. Kim yelled. Winter looked at Karina one last time then ran and hopped into the black limo.

Ryujin blinked her eyes quite a lot of times then walked to the older. " What just happened?? " she asked.

" Well, I think that my other assistant got herself a girlfriend " she said with a her eyebrows raised at Karina who's blushing.

" Stooooo0, Ms. Lee " she said, ran back into the building. Leaving Ryuryeong laughing at her cuteness.

" I can't believe I'm a secretary AND a wife of Lee Chaeryeong " Ryujin said.

" I can't believe I'm a wife of this cutie right here " she booped Ryujin's nose then walked back into the building with the younger following behind.

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