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Jisu POV:
I woke up & saw a random stranger caressing my hair!!! I quickly back away from her.

My eyes widened then the girl starts to giggle. " what so funny?? " I asked.

" You " she said with a smile. I roll my eyes then looked at Yuna who's also laying on the girl's right arm.

" Wait, what did we do last night?? " I asked. I hissed in pain then held my head as I have a hangover.

" Well, we just watch Netflix & cuddle, simple " she said. Then we both turned our heads to Yuna who's yawning.

She woke up & saw the girl as well. " Woah you look like a model in the morning " she said. I facepalm myself.

The girl giggled. " Thanks, tho you're right, I am a model " she said.

Our jaws dropped in shock. " You're a Model??!! " I asked. She nodded.

" Wait, you're so familiar " I said. " she is?? " Yuna asked then she look closely at the girl.

She move a bit back then nodded. " You're right, she looks familiar, What's your name?? " she asked sternly.

Wow I've never seen Yuna this much serious before.

" Hwang Yeji " she answered smoothly.

Our jaws dropped in shock again then the Hwang Yeji lifted our chins.

" Close your mouth, you'll get flies in there " Yeji said.

" Sorry, I still can't believe the Hwang Yeji is right in front of us " I said. " Me too " Yuna said.

Then we both stood up and squealed. We heard a chuckle. We both looked at Yeji who has a smile on her face.

" Shh we don't wanna disturb the queen " Yeji said.

Me and Yuna looked at each other then looked at Yeji. " who's the queen?? " we both asked in sync.

" Nvm, Yeji. I'm already up "

We both looked at where the voice came from. It was a lady who's wearing a black dress.

" Hehe Morning, Chaeryeong-yah " Yeji greeted. My eyes widened by the name, so does Yuna's. 

" Wait, you meant Lee Chaeryeong??!! " Yuna asked. " Hehe yea, she's my bestie " Yeji said proudly.

" Yea, sadly she is " Chaeryeong said. " Yah!! I'm older than you, respect me!! " Yeji said.

Yuna & I secretly laughing at the fact that the model just throw a cute tantrum.

Then I saw Ryujin came out of nowhere. " Ryujin-yah " I called out.

She faced to me then hug me & Yuna. " OMG I'm so glad that the girl didn't hurt y'all or anything " she said.

" what girl?? " I asked. She pulled away the hug then pointed at Yeji- I mean Yeji unnie.

Yea, Yeji is older than all of us so we have to call her unnie. We also have to call Chaeryeong unnie as well.

" That's Hwang Yeji unnie " I said. Ryujin's jaws dropped in shock. Yeji shook her head.

" Omg what with people's jaws?? Are they broken or something?? " Yeji unnie said jokingly.

Ryujin immediately closed her mouth. " Sorry but seriously, you're Hwang Yeji??!! " she asked then Yeji unnie nodded.

" oh damn, no wonder your name is familiar. I thought everyone has Yeji as their name " she said.

Yeji unnie chuckled. " Ok enough chit-chat, breakfast are ready " Chaeryeong unnie said.

We all went to the kitchen and saw toasts with eggs and tea. We all sat down and eat.

" Woah this is amazing. Thanks, Chaeryeong-yah " Yeji unnie said.

I saw Ryujin chocked on the tea a bit then I rushed over to hit her back.

She eventually swallowed the liquid of the tea. " Did You say Chaeryeong??!! " Ryujin asked.

Yeji unnie nodded. Ryujin gasped. " Like Lee Chaeryeong??!! " Ryujin said.

" Yes, darling but you can also call me your wife, you know "

I looked at Chaeryeong unnie then at Ryujin in shock. " You're Married to Lee Chaeryeong??!! " I asked.

" Yah, I also don't know that!! " she said.

" aish, can the both of you be quiet?? "

We both looked at Chaeryeong unnie then continue to eat. I looked at Yuna who's not touching the food.

I took her toast then put it near her mouth. " Say ahh " I said.

She opened her mouth then I put the toast a bit into her mouth then she eats it.

Her face suddenly became happy & she starts to hug me. I chuckle then continue to feed her.

3rd Person POV:
Everyone looked at them being a couple then Chaeryeong got the idea. She put the toast in front of Ryujin's mouth.

Ryujin looked at her in confusion. She was about to take the toast but Chaeryeong snatched it back.

" Be a good girl, say ahh " she said.

Ryujin's eyes widened but obeyed the older. She opened her mouth then Chaeryeong begin to feed her.

Yeji also wanna do the same thing. She tapped Jisu's shoulder then Jisu's head turned to her.

She feed Jisu then Jisu got flustered. The older come near to Jisu who's hugging the smiley maknae.

She continue to feed Jisu & Jisu feed Yuna. The three girls were very happy and comfortable with each other already.

Meanwhile, Ryujin was having a weird feeling that a cold-hearted CEO is feeding her.

Once the toast was finished, Chaeryeong begin to take another one but Ryujin stopped her immediately.

" You eat it, unnie " she said while eating the toast from her own plate.

Chaeryeong looked at her then shrugged it. She eat the toast to not make the younger feel bad.

Basically everyone in the kitchen were just eating or feeding each other. Hehe this is too cliche.🤪🤪🤪

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