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Ryujin's POV:
People said true love is real. Tsk. For me, those words were the exact opposite of true and love. I can't believe I'm saying this but I suddenly misses that cold CEO wife of mine.

Used to be mine. She really made feel secure, made me feel like I'm one of her family. Heck, we both even do sex!!! That was the best sex of my life!!! Actually, that was my first ever sex.

She even took my first kiss and I took hers. That was the moment when I started to develop feelings for her. Aish but I guess I'm a joke to her.

Chaeryeong unnie had already signed the papers but when I see the look in her face. She looks unpleasant and a bit sad for some reason.

Does she really not want a divorce?? Anyways, I've also already signed the divorce papers then I got half of Chaeryeong unnie's money.

Jisu, Yuna and I left the courthouse and we went back to our apartment where I used to live before marrying Chaeryeong unnie.

Jisu opened the door and I rushed into our apartment then flopped on the couch where we all used to watch movies in our PJs and got popcorns stuck in it, especially soda stains.

But don't worry, the couch was clean for now. I snuggled up the blanket on the couch then turned to Jisu and Yuna who were looking at me like I'm some unknown crazy person.

" What??!! I've missed this place, ok!! " I whined which caused those two Korean BBQ chicken to laugh their asses off. ( hehe sorry the author-nim is hungry ) I swear if they laughed until 12, I'll be the one to cut their asses off.

Fortunately for them, their bums were saved for now. I stopped laughing and wroom away their happy tears. Tbh, I don't know what so funny to see me jumped on a couch.

I shrugged the feeling off then went to my old room. I sniffed the dusty air then coughed a bit. I then started spring cleaning my dusty crusty musty room.

After that, I unpacked all my stuffs then tried to remember where I originally to put them on. Eventually, I've done all my unpacking and cleaning.

I quickly changed my clothes into something more comfortable.

I walked out of my not-so dusty crusty musty room and used all of my force to walk into the living room where I saw the Yulia, making out

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I walked out of my not-so dusty crusty musty room and used all of my force to walk into the living room where I saw the Yulia, making out.

I put on my disgusted face then walked into the kitchen quickly before I loss all my appetite. I opened the fridge and saw a very glorious sweet tooth sight.

I took out a tub of ice cream that I just saw then took out a spoon from the kitchen drawer. I opened the lit and stabbed the cold dessert with my spoon.

Then I obviously ate it miserably as I lost the love of my life. The two coupled walked in then stood next to me.

" Aww poor unnie " Yuna-yah said with some sympathy.

" Yea, sorry that the both of you got divorce " Jisu said.

" Nah, it's alright. I mean I'm the one who ask for it " I said them stabbed the ice cream again.

" Well, you ok or not. You're still gonna get a hold of yourself unnie " Jisu said.

" Yea!! Our Ryujin unnie would never dare to cry or get gloomy easily!! She's SMART, COOL and She ain't no fool!! " Yuna yelled proudly.

" Shhh baby. You're gonna wake up the whole apartment " Jisu scold the very loud bunny who's also my sister.

" Oops, sorry "

" Anyways, she's right. You never give up and just let your emotions control you " Jisu advised.

I looked at the ice cream then covered it with the lid then put it inside the fridge.

" You know what. You're right " I said to Jisu. " And you're loud " I said to Yuna who just crossed her arms then huffed.

" I can't let my guard down yet. I mean what you've just described was true. If you and my sister can date each other then I can find someone to date too " I said.

" Well, it's not only me and Yuna dating " Jisu said, nervously.

" What "

" Yea, apparently, we both are now dating Yeji unnie " Yuna said.

My jaws dropped in shock. " Ok. If you, my sister and a famous model can date each other then I can find someone to date too " I said.

" Congrats, btw "

" Thanks " they both said in sync.

" Well that's one problem solved. And now there's another one " I said.

" What " the couple asked again in sync.

" Chaeyeon, my ex wife's sister " I said, rolling my eyes.

" Oh what about her?? " Jisu asked.

" She's obsessed with me " I answered.

" Ooo, that's rough. Sorry unnie " my lovely sister said. I shook my head.

" But I think I'm fine. I mean she doesn't know where I live now " I said, leaning on the counter.

" Hopefully "

They both nodded then walked to their room I assumed. Here, we have 2 bedrooms only so they both planned to share it with each other. That's great bcuz I wanna wake up peacefully not with my crazy loud sister.

" Yah!! Don't YOU Dare Do Unholy Things In THerE!!! " I yelled jokingly. Then, I received a ' UNNIE ' & ' RYUJIN ' as a respond.

" Hahaha " I said then I walked into my own room.

Haha the author-nim have nothing to write anymore.....

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