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The giant door was opened to reveal a very tired Chaeryeong and a tired Ryujin, dragging her legs to the entrance.

They both let out a groan then the younger looked at the older who's carrying her brief case. She took the case from the older like a good wife does.

" Unnie, go shower first. I'll take this for you " she said. Chaeryeong looked at her then nodded her head.

She walked upstairs to the bathroom and shut the door that was heard by Ryujin. The younger heard it then squealed a bit.

She looked around then spotted one of the maids. " Ms. Lim!! " she called out then ran to her direction.

Ms. Lim tilted her head when she was wiping the kitchen counter. She smiled at the younger then stopped what she's doing.

" Yes, Ryujin-yah?? "

" Could you help me cook tteokbokki?? I wanted to surprise Chaer unnie " Ryujin asked.

She nodded her head then Ryujin hugged her. The younger let go of her and she went to the fridge to grab some leftovers from yesterday.

Mrs. Lim was the one who's closest to Ryujin when she was brought into the mansion after getting a hangover. Of course, the younger was friends with all the maids but she still prefer Mrs. Lim.

Ryujin started wearing an apron with some small cartoon carrots patterns and receives a pair of gloves from Mrs. Lim. She thnaked the elderly lady then they both starter to cook.

Surprisingly, it took 15 minutes to cook it and Chaeryeong was still upstairs either showering or working in her home office.

Once it was done, Mrs. Lim took about three steps then Ryujin offered to call the older herself. Then, she nodded her head and Ryujin ran upstairs then she knocked on the bathroom door.

She didn't heard anything in there so she opened the door then saw no one. It took for a second to think that the older might in there shared room.

She walked over there and opened the door without knocking because she was lazy. She then instantly regretted it. Her eyes widened as she saw the older was only in her pants and bra.

She saw it then covered her eyes immediately before the older glanced at her. The older turned her head then smirked at her.

She walked towards her then seperated her hands from the younger's boba-like eyes. The younger looked up, not wanting the older to get the idea of her looking at her figure.

" Oh come on, jagi. You've seen me naked before when we had that sex " the older said. Ryujin's cheeks begun to spread redness everywhere then she slapped Chaeryeong's shoulder since she was embarrassed.

" Shut up " she smiled a bit then heard giggles from Chaeryeong. The older then walked to the cupboard then wore a shirt on.

" Happy now?? " she asked. Ryujin nodded with a smile then grabbed the older's hand.

" Now, come on. The Tteokbokki is about to get cold " she said then she dragged the older down the stairs without falling or breaking their bones.


" Well, go on. Eat it " Ryujin said with a smile. The older shrugged her shoulder then took the bowl of Tteokbokki.

Once Chaeryeong took a bite out of it, her eyes widened then nodded her head as an approval. " Hm its good. Mrs. Lim is really a chef " she said, eating the rest.

Ryujin then chuckled at yeh older's reply. She tilted her head then looked at her with a confuse expression.

" What?? Is there something on my face?? " she asked.

" Mrs. Lim isn't the only one who cooked it " Ryujin said.

The older still couldn't get any hints so she looked at the younger while chewing on the food. The younger rolled her eyes then glanced at her again.

" Me. I also cooked it for you, unnie " she said with a smile. Chaeryeong nodded her head again then continued eating.

" Well, you did a great work or food " she said.

" Thanks. I just wanna surprise you since tomorrow is our honeymoon " Ryujin said.

Chaeryeong stopped eating and looked at the younger. " Ok yea. That reminds me. I booked our flight tickets to Japan " she said.

Ryujin's eyes widened then stood up from her chair immediately. " Why didn't you tell me??!! No, don't tell. Too busy or was it a surprise?? "

" A surprise "

" Aw damn. I would've packed our things already " the younger whined. The older looked at her with a smile then chuckled.

The younger ran upstairs and the older heard a door shut then she broke out a chuckle for the 1537363738th time. She continued to eat the Tteokbokki that Ryujin have made.


An alarm rang one of BLΛƆKPIИK songs from a phone. The younger screamed then pant heavily. She turned to the older's phone that said 7:00a.m.

I say "fuck it" when I feel it
'Cause no-one's keeping tally, I do what I want with who I like
I ain't gon' conceal it
While you talking all that shit, I'll be getting mine, getting mine

She turned to the older who got up and looked at her while rubbing her eyes. " What's wrong, jagi?? " she asked then let out a groan.

" Oh nothing. Just a random alarm randomly rang without my conscious " the younger said. The older rolled her eyes then walked to the door.

" Come on, we'll be leaving in like 7 minutes " she said with a soft tone. Ryujin got up then walked to the older and took her hand like a little kid.

The older smiled at the sight of the younger then dragged her out of the room to the bathroom.


They both got dressed, their already packed luggage and their coats on. Well technically, Ryujin was also wearing Chaeryeong's coat since she doesn't have one.

They both made it to the airport and explored the inside to see if there's anything to eat. A moments later, Ryujin spotted a cafe with a cute bear outside.

She grabbed the older's hand then dragged her inside. The older didn't care if people's eyes on them cuz her eyes were only on the excited younger.

Chaeryeong couldn't believe what was in front of her. An angel-lookinh, a wonderful and a smart girl who's holding her hand right now was her wife.

Whenever she looked at the short hair girl, she'll cherish all her life with the younger forever.

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