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3rd Person POV:
Yuna & Jisu were cuddling, talking, kissing each other at Jisu's apartment.

Yuna was indeed very happy that she's finally had someone to love her and had her crush to do that.

However, the younger felt like someone was missing. She felt like there's another person went into her heart besides Jisu.

Jisu also felt the same way. She thought that there's an empty spot in her heart for someone besides Yuna.

They both were confused about their feelings so they decided not to tell and carry on with their relationship.

Yuna giggled to lightened the awkward atmosphere.

" Sooooooo are we going on a date soon?? " Yuna asked.

" Hehe tomorrow, we can do that since I have the day off from work " Jisu said, booping the younger's nose.

Yuna giggled again then snuggled herself onto the older's neck. At that moment, Jisu was already zoned out.

At first, she was daydreaming about their date tomorrow. At night time, they spent their date in a restaurant, chit-chating with each other, giving roses, paying food for someone.

Jisu was fantasizing about all that. She wished to do it all in one night with her lover. Or loverS.

It's not only Yuna and Jisu there. There's also a certain someone that Jisu accidentally think of.

There's someone sitting beside Yuna. Jisu got so caught up from her dream that she's already in La La Land.

The younger seems to noticed it then an idea popped up in her head.

" I love you " Yuna said.

" I love you too, Yuna-yah "

The older's respond made Yuna smiled out of happiness.

"& Yeji unnie " Jisu blurted out.

Yuna's eyes widened and her smile dropped. She tilted her head to looked at the older who's looking at the wall.

Yuna finally notices that she was daydreaming so she slapped the older's cheek lightly.

Jisu snapped back to reality then saw Yuna, looking at her.

" What's wrong, bunbun?? " the older asked.

" Were you thinking about her?? " Yuan asked back.

Jisu was confused by her question then she recalled her dream. She soon realized that she accidentally said ' I love you ' to Yeji and Yuna together.

" I-uh-why, of course not. I've already have you " Jisu said, holding Yuna's hand.

Yuna doesn't believe the older at first but then a few seconds, she decided not to assumed that Jisu was cheating on her.

" Ok then, I believe you, unnie " Yuna smiled then went back to cuddling Jisu.

Jisu giggled then starts to caressed Yuna's hair & cuddle with her. Then they both drifted off to sleep on the couch.

I know you have a crush on Yeji unnie now. Don't worry, I've also fall for her. Yuna thought.


Ryujin walked back into Chaeryeong's room with a towel on her hand.

Ryujin saw no one in here, there's only the older's mobile on the bed.

The younger turned around to check if anybody's there. She shut the door immediately then start to look around the room.

She's a college graduate so she had no assignments to keep her busy no more.

Once she was walking around, she saw a big portrait of a man, a lady and two girls in a sorf of garden which Ryujin assumed.

She took a closer at the portrait then she immediately recognize the people in it.

There's Mr and Ms. Lee posing like they're royalty. There's Chaeyeon and Chaeryeong sitting on their knees, smiling.

Ryujin smiled at the portrait then she noticed that there's something written on the frame.

She looked closely at the frame.

1st September 2009, Happy Lee Family

" Aww " Ryujin said then there's a sound of the door opened and closed.

Ryujin turned to the door and saw Chaeryeong drying her hair with a towel.

" Is this you, unnie?? " Ryujin asked.

Chaeryeong looked at the younger then she saw Ryujin standing close to the portrait.

She walked towards the younger then looked at the portrait.

" Yes & I don't think this is your business " Chaeryeong said.

" Y'all look so happy " Ryujin said.

" Yea, we do " the older replied.

" Aww your smile was so cute back then " Ryujin said.

" What about my smile now?? " Chaeryeong asked.

Ryujin looked at the older.

" What smile?? All I see is your straight ass face " the younger replied.

Chaeryeong groaned then smile for Ryujin.

" That's a force smile " Ryujin said.

Chaeryeong's so called smile dropped. " It's still a smile " she said.

Ryujin giggled then crawled onto the older's bed.

" Ah so soft " Ryujin said, laying on Chaeryeong's soft bed.

" Yea & it's also good for something else " Chaeryeong said with a smirk, walking towards the door.

Ryujin's head tilted to look at Chaeryeong with her eyebrow raised.

" What do you mean something else?? " Ryujin asked as she sat up.

Chaeryeong chuckled then locked the door. She turned around to see the younger's shock expression.

She walked closer to the bed where Ryujin was laying down on.

As the younger quickly stood up, she wasn't fast enough for the older to pinned her down to the bed.

Chaeryeong leaned towards Ryujin's face as Ryujin's eyes travelled to the other side, avoid looking at Chaeryeong.

" Be ready, baby~ "

Ryujin gulped.


At the next door of Chaeryeong's room, Yeji was just laying down on her bed, alone, by herself.

Listening on Ryujin's moaning, Chaeryeong's voice and skin slapping.

Yeji was zoning out, thinking about Yuna & Jisu. It's nearly midnight, the oldest cannot sleep due to the noise and her over thinking.

The cat-looking lady dreamt of holding Yulia close to her, cuddling with them, kissing them, going on dates together.

That's what Yeji wanted. But damn reality had hit her really hard.

Yeji sighed heavily then got up from her soft bed. She took her blanket and her pillow then walked out of her room.

She made it to the living room, throwing the pillow and the blanket there. She then flopped onto the couch.

She fluffed her pillow then tucked herself in with the soft blanket.

" Goodnight, Yuna & Jisu " Yeji blurted out then snored as she's in sleep.

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