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Everyone had their own happy endings. Chaeyeon got herself a girlfriend, her sister got herself a wife and Yeji got herself two wonderful girlfriends.

One week later, it was Chaeryeong's and Ryujin's wedding ceremony. The bridesmaids of Ryujin were wearing blue dresses while the bridesmaids of Chaeryeong were wearing black dresses.

Everything was perfect, some relatives and friends came, the hall was decorated in white ribbons and there were decorated with white roses.

Ryujin was panicking and trying to remember how to breath since this is her first time to have a proper wedding unlike last time.

Jisu and Yuna just being calm and patient with handling Ryujin's breakdown. Whenever the bride was saying something negative, they both will immediately calm her down with soft words.

" What if the wedding is a disaster?? What if Chaeryeong unnie had changed her mind?? Does this dress make me look fat?? What Am I Doing here??! " Ryujin begun to blurt out some random nonsense which Yuna and Jisu had enough of.

The oldest sighed then grabbed Ryujin's shoulder. " Ryujin-yah, look at me " she said with a stern tone.

She tilted her head to look at the oldest with big doe eyes. " You're beautiful, ethereal, smart and I bet anyone would be lucky to have you as their own wife " Jisu said with a soft smile.

Ryujin's eyes begun to watered then she hugged Jisu who gladly hugged back. Yuna grabbed her sister's shoulder gently and her head turned to Yuna.

" You'll do great, unnie. I also bet that Chaeryeong unnie would never change her mind of you " Yuna said.

Ryujin snuffled her nose then nodded her head. " You're right. Maybe I was exaggerating much " she replied.

" Sooo come on, we don't wanna keep your wife waiting " Jisu said with a smirk. Yuna nodded her head then dragged Ryujin with her out of the dressing room along with Jisu who's following them behind with a bouquet.

" Ryujin, wait!! You forgot the bouquet! " Jisu shouted as she was chasing the Shin sister with bouquet in her hand.


They both ran to the front then stood far from the priest and saw Yeji, wearing a gorgeous black dress. They looked back at the bride who's walking with the bouquet.

Ryujin slowly walked down the aisle, looking like a real angel. Chaeryeong looked at the younger with a smile as she was admiring her wife from a far.

Oh My God, I can't believe I'm marrying to her!! She looks so ethereal, so innocent and heaven at the same time!! And she's all mine. Chaeryeong thought.

When Ryujin arrived in front of her and the priest, Chaeryeong offered a hand then pulled Ryujin up the steps. Now, they both looked into each other's eyes.

" Dear Families and Friends, we all are gathered here to honour these two lovely ladies to join their hands in marriage. If anyone here objects, may now speak or forever hold in peace " the priest said.

Silence occur in the ceremony then the priest cleared his throat. " Alright then " he continued and turned to Chaeryeong.

" Will you take Shin Ryujin to be lawful wedded wife and promise to take care of her?? "

" I do " Chaeryeong said, holding Ryujin's hands.

" And will you take Lee Chaeryeong to be your lawful wedded wife and promise to take care of her?? "

" I-i do " Ryujin was about to cry and that's why she's stuttering.

" Well then you both may now exchange rings "

Ryujin put on a gold ring on Chaeryeong then she put the silver ring from their first wedding on Ryujin. The younger smiled with her teary eyes.

" I'll now pronounced you, wife and uh wife. You may know kiss " he stepped down the stage, leaving the two brides standing.

Chaeryeong grabbed the younger's chin then smashed her lips onto Ryujin's. The younger then cupped her face to deepen the kiss abit.

The crowd and the bridesmaids were cheering for them. They both finally broke the kiss then wave to the crowd.

Ryujin then smiled cheekily and turned around. She then threw the bouquet behind and turned again to see Yuna caught it.

" Oh looks like someone's gonna have her wedding soon " Ryujin said in a teasing way. Yuna then giggled and ran to Yeji.

" Unnie, you ready?? " she asked the model. " Yah, what am i?? A cockroach?? " Jisu asked, walking behind Yuna.

Yuna turned around and kissed the shorter's cheek then kissed the oldest cheek. " There happy?? " she asked, earning head nods from YeJisu.

As for Ryuryeong who were watching the threesomes while giggling at them, the older looked at her gorgeous bride again then carried her in bridal style.

Then, she walked down the aisle to the front door while carrying the younger. The crowd cheered again until Chaeryeong made her way out of church.

She put Ryujin to the passenger seat then she hopped into the drivers seat. She kissed her cheek then drove off.

Later on, Chaeryeong got a call from her mother. Ryujin picked up her phone then put it a bit close to Chaeryeong's mouth.

" Hey Eomma "

" Chaeryeong-yah, where you're going with your wife?? "

" oh sorry for not saying anything but we have to go home and change then go to the office for work "

" Ah ok then drive safe "

" K, bye " Ryujin helped the older to hang up the call then shoved the phone into Chaeryeong's purse.


Back in Chaeryeong's office, Ryujin was sitting on the couch, trying to sleep because she's bored.

Meanwhile, the CEO was stressing out from picking which one of these people will be perfect for the secretary job. Lately, all the resumes were boring, overdoing and under prepared.

She groaned in frustration then Ryujin tilted her head. She got up from the couch then hugged Chaeryeong.

" Stress?? "

The older nodded then patted her arms and kisses her lips. " All these people are just So UGGHh " sh threw the resumes everywhere then took a deep breath.

" Woah woah, it's ok, it's ok unnie. Maybe I can find someone to fulfill that job " Ryujin said with a smile.

The older nodded her head then she tilted her head. She looked at Ryujin with a smirk which made the younger confused.

" What?? "

The older's smirk begun to grow widely then the younger got the picture.

" Well, would you let me be secretary, Ms. Lee?? " she asked jokingly. The older chuckled then ruffled her hair.

" Of course, Ms. Shin " she said. Ryujin squealed then sat on the older's lap and hugged her.

" So you need help for something?? " she asked. The older pointed at some papers then the younger grabbed them.

" You can give those to Karina, she's on the floor below mine " Ryujin nodded then rushed inside the elevator.

Haha, what a cutie. She's my Cutie. Chaeryeong thought.

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