Chapter 4

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One week later, Blythe was sick. It's just what happens when you work with snotty eight year olds all day.

She had taken the day off, sleeping most of it away. She woke up to a million text messages, which wasn't anything new. The group chat with the three guys she had met in the elevator was always going. It was mostly Paxton, and a lot of it was pretty funny.

She sat up with a start. She had completely forgotten that they had agreed to get dinner together tonight. She was kind of sad to be missing out. She sent a text in the group chat, flopping back down with a shiver. She pulled the blankets up high around her neck.

She was surprised to see an incoming call from Josiah. She answered hesitantly.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She felt a smile pull at her lips. Her voice was croaky from her cough. "I can't breathe out of my nose, but I don't have a fever."

He hummed. She heard him shuffling with something.

"I can make you something to eat," he offered.

She considered it because she was hungry, and she didn't want to move, but then she thought about how gross she probably looked. Plus, he could get sick. Not to mention that they had only met one time.

She sniffled a bit.

"What about dinner with Paxton and Denver? It's almost time for you to meet up with them."

"It's alright. I'm sure they would understand," Josiah said.

Her phone buzzed, and she pulled it away from her ear to see Paxton was also calling her. She added him to the call.

"I'm so sad," Paxton whined. "I've been waiting all week to see you, and-"

"It's not her fault she got sick," Josiah said.

"If you're sure about cooking, Josiah, then I don't mind if all of you want to come over here. I just don't want to get you sick."

"It'll be okay," Paxton reassured. "I'm going to call Denver. Text us your address and if you need anything."

Paxton left the call, but Josiah stayed put.

"Get some rest. I'll let you know when I'm heading over," he said.

Blythe set her phone on the nightstand, getting herself out of bed.

She was looking forward to seeing all of them. She felt very thought of that they wanted to spend the evening with her despite her being sick.

Josiah and Paxton were the first to arrive.

"You poor thing," Paxton whispered, pulling her in for a warm hug.

"You're going to get sick," Blythe protested.

"Why don't you lay back down? I'll wake you when dinner's ready," he said in response.

She looked over at Josiah with his bag of groceries, still in his suit from work. She was very touched.

"I can figure out where everything is," Josiah reassured her.

"But what about Denver? Is he still coming?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's on his way. His drive is just a little longer than ours," Paxton said, walking her to her couch.

She sat down, pulling her favorite blanket over her lap.

"I'm glad you came," she admitted.

"Me too," Paxton said, smiling. "I'm going to see if Jo needs help. Let me know if you need anything."

He walked away, and Blythe laid down with her head on the arm rest. She was asleep almost immediately.


The TV was playing quietly when Blythe woke up. Her apartment smelled incredible, and some of the medicine she had taken before she napped must've kicked in because she could actually breathe through her nose.

She sat up with a yawn, eyeing the cowboy in her chair. He turned to look at her.

"Hey," Denver said. "It's good to see you. I'm sorry that you're sick."

"It's what I get for working with kids," she said, giving him a little smile. She tried to smooth out her hair and straighten her clothes.

"I brought you some of my favorite tea my mom used to make me when I was sick," he said.

"That's so sweet. Thank you." She turned her attention to the show playing. It was some deep sea fishing thing, and she couldn't say she was surprised.

She stood up, deciding to get some water and check on Josiah and Paxton.

She wasn't prepared for what she was walking into when she turned the corner from her sitting area to her kitchen.

Josiah had Paxton backed against the kitchen counter, their lips locked.

Blythe turned away, moving back to the couch. Her heart was racing in her chest.

She did not see that coming.

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