Chapter 27

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Blythe gasped, startling Paxton who was sketching in his book next to her on their couch back home.

"What is it?" he asked, pulling his glasses from his face.

"I got the job," Blythe grinned, reaching for him excitedly.

"That's so awesome, baby," he said sincerely, wrapping her up tight in his arms. "I'm so glad you won't have to commute into town, or worse, move back into your apartment."

Blythe felt undeniably happy and blissed out. She was so excited to get the teaching job close to home.

Paxton leaned down for a kiss. She tangled her fingers into his hair, deepening it. He hooked his arm around his waist, laying her down on her back. His hands slid down her torso, and she arched into him, eager for his touch.

"Damn," Denver said, entering the house and disrupting their moment. He pulled his cowboy hat from his head, hanging it on the hooks by the door.

Paxton helped Blythe sit back up.

Denver came over, sitting on the edge of the couch. He smoothed Blythe's hair from her face.

She smiled eagerly up at him. "I got the job."

Denver cupped her cheeks, pecking her lips. "Really? That's great news. I'm so proud of you."

Her heart skipped a beat at the praise.

"Why are you home early, cowboy?" Pax asked, standing up so he could get a kiss himself.

"Big storm blowing in. I'd rather be in here then out there."

"Jo will be home before then, right?" Blythe asked.

"I texted him, but he hasn't responded. I know he's in a meeting though," Denver said. "He'll be fine, Bee."

"He can hang in the outbuilding if it gets bad," Paxton added.

Blythe knew that, but she also really wanted the chance to tell Josiah her news.

Denver went upstairs to take a shower, and Blythe turned her attention back to the book she had initially been reading before the email had caught her attention.

It couldn't have been more than a few minutes before they heard the first crack of thunder in the distance.

"If you count the seconds between the thunder and lightning, that's how far the storm is," Blythe told Pax absentmindedly.

"Oh, really?" he chuckled.

"Don't laugh," she pouted. "It's true."

Josiah entered the house then. The wind caught the door causing it to slam which made them all jump.

"Jo," she said happily, racing over to him.

He opened up his arms, catching her at the right moment.

"I'm happy to see you, too," he said with a smile, leaning down for a gentle peck on the lips.

"I got the job," she told him, excited to spread the news.

Josiah wrapped her up tight, pressing her into his chest. She snuggled close.

"I never doubted that you would," he said. "I'm so happy to hear that."

He released her, going to Paxton to give him a hug and a kiss.

"We're glad you're home before the storm," Pax said against his lips.

Josiah hummed, running his hand through Paxton's soft hair. "I still had a few things to do, but I just wanted to be cozy here with you all."

Denver came down the stairs, his hair still damp from the shower.

"Hey, cowboy," Jo greeted. "I have news, too."

"What's that?" Denver asked, giving Jo a kiss before going to the kitchen. He pulled a beer from the fridge.

"I hired a contractor. They're coming next Tuesday to give us an estimate and come up with a plan for the add-on."

"That's so exciting," Blythe said from the couch. She picked her book back up, but Paxton dropped next to her, nearly crushing her. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, locking her in. She tried to wiggle, but was unsuccessful.

She laughed uncontrollably. "Get off of me."

Thunder clapped in the close distance, distracting them. She managed to get out of Paxton's grip just to be scooped up into Josiah's.

"You guys..." she protested, muffled by Jo's chest.

"What, honey?" Jo asked teasingly, running a firm hand along the curve of her spine and down to her butt. "Do you want to go take a nap?"

She pulled away to look up at him, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "Since when do you nap?"

He smirked. He tried to hide it, but she could see right through it.

"Come on," he encouraged, his hand dipping lower between her legs. "I got off early, and it's raining so we might as well do something inside."

Paxton stepped up behind her, trapping her in. She laughed helplessly.

"Besides," Denver added, getting their attention from where he was watching them from the couch. "We should celebrate you getting your job."

"And us expanding the house," she said breathlessly as Josiah's fingers began to run firm circles along her panties.

"She doesn't need anymore convincing," Josiah said, speaking to Denver. "She's already soaked her panties."

Paxton stepped back, and Josiah lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her lips along his neck.

"I love you," she whispered up to him.

Jo smiled, repeating the words back to her.

"And me, too," Paxton said, flopping onto the bed. "I love all of you."

Denver got on the bed, lifting her head she was resting on his lap.

"I love each of you with all of my heart," Denver repeated very quietly, almost bashfully, hiding his expression by leaning down to give Blythe a kiss.

"Awww," she cooed, closing her eyes as he kissed along her face.

"That's the sweetest thing I have ever heard you say, cowboy," Paxton said, quite excited.

Blythe moved out of the way as Paxton made his way over. He climbed on top of Denver who had no choice but to lay on his back and accept the affection.

Paxton straddled Denver's waist, wiggling eagerly with each kiss.

"You're killing me," Denver grunted, holding Pax still by the hips.

Josiah leaned down to give Denver a kiss.

"You are really sweet," Jo said with a smile, straightening up.

"Paxton," Josiah scolded lightly. "You've got our cowboy in quite the predicament. Be a good boy and help him out."

Pax looked at Blythe who gave him a cute smile. "Come help, Bee."

She made her way over.

Her heart was full of love and happiness. Her life was exactly where it was supposed to be, and she never wanted it to change. This was her home. These were the loves of her life, and she was happy to give them the endless love and affection that they so easily gave to her for as long as they would let her.

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