Chapter 17

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Blythe wandered the outbuilding in complete awe. Josiah had created a beautiful office, and Paxton a beautiful studio.

"This looks incredible," she said. Paxton pulled her into his arms, rocking her back and forth. She giggled happily.

"I know. I can't wait. Just a few more weeks," Josiah said.

Denver came into the space, his cowboy hat low over his eyes. "Hey, guys."

Josiah went to him, pulling the hat from his head, and giving him a surprisingly gentle peck on the lips.

"Doesn't he look good enough to eat in this hat?" Jo asked them, placing it back nicely on Denver's head.

"He does," Paxton agreed, taking Blythe's hand.

Denver adjusted his hat. "If you want to help tack up some horses we can go on that ride."

"I made us dessert and lemonade to take with us," Blythe said, swinging their joined hands. They walked to the barn.

Denver showed her how to put on the saddle and how to use the reigns. He helped her up, and did the same with Jo and Pax.

It was a beautiful day for a ride. May had started off pretty dreary, but the past week had been warm and bright. It was starting to feel like summer, and it felt good. It wouldn't be much longer before they moved in with Denver.

"I think we should go on a trip," Josiah said, helping Blythe lay out the picnic blanket.

They had rode up to a large field. Denver tied up the horses, and the four of them sat around to soak in the sun.

Denver had kept the brownies and lemonade in his saddle bag that he brought over.

"A trip?" Blythe asked, watching Paxton shove a third square of brownie into his mouth.

"You're going to get sick," Denver warned him.

"You're going to get sick," Paxton mocked like a child.

Denver rolled his eyes.

"Well, it is summer," Josiah said, leaning back on his hands.

"I want to go to the beach," Paxton said. "I would love to paint the ocean."

"That would be nice," Denver mumbled quietly. "I don't think I've ever been away from the ranch like that, but my staff is pretty qualified now."

Blythe nodded along. "Okay, but I want to drive, not fly, and I want to split the cost, which means fairly affordable."

"Fine," Josiah agreed. "But I want a house, and I want it to be on the beach."

"Secluded would be nice because we could swim naked," Paxton said.

Blythe laughed. She could think of a few ideas other than swimming naked.

"I do like that idea," Denver mused. Paxton leaned over, tilting his head to be able to peck his lips despite the rim of his hat. "I have a surprise for you all at the house."

They rode back to the barn. Blythe was excited to learn about horses and cows and working on the ranch. She had always loved being outside. It felt calm. The hard work was grounding.

They followed Denver into his house and into the bedroom.

"Right to business, cowboy," Jo teased.

"I held up my end of the bargain," Denver said, gesturing them into his room.

Blythe entered first, eyeing the ridiculously large bed. She had never seen anything like it.

Paxton laughed, plopping onto it. "Ten people could easily fit on here."

Blythe laid down next to him. The mattress was so soft, yet firm. It was perfect.

Josiah frowned, turning to face Denver. "This couldn't have been cheap."

"It's okay, Jo. I wanted to," Denver said.

"I know, but I feel like we've been taking over. You built that outhouse for your equipment, and this is your space-"

"I offered because I want you guys close. Besides, the bed is fun."

Blythe made her way over, reaching for Denver who pulled her to his chest.

"Thank you," she said. "It's perfect."

"Of course, sweetheart. I can't wait for you to move in in just a few weeks," Denver said. He tilted her chin, pressing his lips to hers.


They had moved down to Denver's living room, drinking lemonade and enjoying the quiet company. Blythe was laying down on the couch with her head on Josiah's lap, reading a book she had brought. He was working on his laptop. Occasionally, he would run his hand down her arm or through her hair. It was incredibly soothing, and she could feel her eyes getting heavy.

Paxton had his sketchbook, and Denver was dozing with his head laid back against the recliner he was sitting in.

"Denver, Sweetie, I brought you some of my famous strawberry jam." The screen door opened, startling all of them.

Blythe sat up, straightening her hair just as Brenda walked by.

Denver stood up. "Mom," he greeted. "I didn't know you'd be dropping by."

Brenda frowned. "I didn't know you had company."

"It's okay. We're just hanging out. Let me take that bag from you." Denver reached for the bag, but Brenda didn't let him.

"I'll just set it in the kitchen, and I'll be on my way," she said.

Denver followed her. "Do you want to stay for dinner? Josiah is cooking. He's a great cook."

The large kitchen was just steps from the living room. Brenda unloaded the jam and a loaf of bread.

"I made the bread this morning, so you best eat it up soon. It won't last long."

"Mom," Denver whispered, trying to get her attention.

Brenda looked up. "What are they doing here?" she asked quietly.

Denver felt his brows furrow in confusion. "You know why. We're spending time together. It's the weekend."

"I heard from Luke Craybil that you dropped him as a customer," she said.

"I didn't drop anybody. He saw me with Josiah or Paxton, and didn't want anything to do with me anymore."

"And that doesn't concern you? You're losing good business, all for some phase." Brenda's voice had rose from a whisper which pissed Denver off. He didn't need them hearing his mom's shit.

"Lower your voice," he said sternly. "It's not a phase. They will be moving in in just a few weeks."

"Moving in?" Brenda looked genuinely shocked. She placed her hand over her chest. "Denver, I do not accept this kind of behavior."

"I know you don't," he sighed.

"And that girl, being paraded around with three men like some kind of-"

"Enough," Denver said, cutting her off. "You should leave, right now."

Brenda froze, never hearing her quiet Denver speak to her in such a tone.

Denver walked her to the door, shutting it behind her.

He turned to find Blythe standing behind him. She rubbed at her eyes, her telltale sign that tears were on the way.

"I'm sorry," he said, reaching for her.

"You don't have to be sorry," she whispered. "I can't imagine how hurt you are right now."

He placed his face in her neck, taking in a deep breath.

He felt someone at his back, and soon he was squished between all three of them.

His mom's words didn't hurt any more than they did before, like a scab reopening. He knew he would never be able to change her views, but he wished she would have been more willing to make that effort.

Either way, a vacation sounded like a great idea.

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