Chapter 2

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"Is everybody okay?" the deep voice asked from behind her.

Blythe opened her eyes, squinting to adjust to the dim light.

Everyone gave some murmur of agreement.

"Ma'am?" another voice asked. This one had to be from the cowboy. His voice was rich and slightly southern.

"I'm okay," she whispered, trying to ignore the panic she felt consume her whole body.

There was a bright light, and she squeezed her eyes shut from it, realizing it was a flashlight from someone's phone.

"Sorry," the third voice said. She realized this was the man in the suit. He moved in front of her to access the panel. She stepped back.

He pushed the call button several times with no response.

"Damn it," someone whispered. "I have no cell service in this thing."

Blythe pulled her phone out of her purse, realizing hers was the same.

"Looks like we're stuck for a minute," the cowboy said, sliding to the floor.

Blythe followed, sitting down next to him, but keeping enough distance between them.

The other two men followed.

The man in the suit left his flashlight on, putting the light face up so that the small space was illuminated.

"I have a meeting in twenty minutes," the man in the suit grumbled. He leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes.

The cowboy next to her turned to face her. He gave her a small, handsome smile, one that she tentatively returned.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Blythe," she said quietly, feeling a flutter in her stomach to have the attention of someone so good looking.

"I'm Denver," he said.

"Paxton," the guy with the paint splatters on his clothes piped up.

The man in the suit opened his eyes. "Josiah."

"Are you a painter?" Blythe asked Paxton curiously.

Paxton nodded. "I'm painting a mural on this boring building. I had meeting here today to finalize it."

"And you didn't have time to change?" Josiah asked, turning his calculated gaze to the blonde man.

Paxton grinned, unfazed by the scrutiny. "No, Jo. Unlike you, I don't have any fancy people to impress. They want me for my art."

"It's Josiah," he corrected.

"Besides," Paxton continued. "I was teaching a class before this and didn't have time."

"Like for a school or something?" Blythe asked, hoping her voice didn't sound too shaky. It felt like the walls were starting to close in. She tried to suck in a quiet, deep breath.

"No, for adults. I host them at a studio here in town," Paxton said.

Blythe reached up to rub her temple, feeling it throb beneath her fingertips. She looked up, meeting Josiah's stern gaze.

"It's going to be fine," he reassured her quietly. "There's only two elevators in this building. I'm sure they realize this one is down. Didn't you see the line when we came in?"

Blythe smiled a bit, surprised that he recognized her from the elevator from earlier. The moment was short lived as her ears started to ring. The elevator was beginning to get hot, and she struggled to suck air in.

"Let me guess," Denver said, pulling off his jacket. "You're here to meet your hot lawyer husband."

She tried to focus, managing a short laugh. She stumbled over her words, feeling like she had just ran a marathon. "Hardly. Parking ticket."

Paxton gave a teasing ooh just like her second graders do when someone gets in trouble.

"Why are you here?" Josiah asked Denver.

Denver held up a folder he had laying next to him. "Paperwork for some horses I bought, and some other legal stuff for my farm."

Of course he owned a farm. It was all so fitting.

"I was supposed to meet with my lawyer but she cancelled after I arrived," Josiah said, sighing gently.

"You have your own lawyer?" Paxton asked incredulously.

"Technically, she's the lawyer for my business, but she does tend to my personal affairs."

"Tend to my personal affairs," Paxton mocked. "Seriously, dude. Do you realize how obnoxious you sound?"

Josiah scoffed.

Blythe tried to muffle her amusement. "Three business owners all in one elevator."

"And what are you?" Paxton asked.

Josiah pulled at his suit jacket, loosening the tie around his neck.

"A second grade teacher," Blythe answered.

"Very cool," Denver said.

There was movement above them, disrupting their conversation.

"I say once we get out of here, we go get some well deserved drinks," Paxton said.

"I'm down," Denver agreed. "I have a long drive back, but I won't pass up a beer."

"Me either," Josiah said. "I'm not going to make this meeting anyway."

"Mr. Fancy Pants drinks beer? I took you for more of a red wine guy," Paxton said.

"I own red wine that costs more than your house, which I doubt you have. I take you for more of a couch-surfing type," Josiah retorts. They stare at each other for a second before looking away, and Blythe catches brief amusement cross their sharp features.

"What about you?" Paxton asked, looking right at Blythe. She felt her heart race for an entirely different reason other than the claustrophobic elevator.

"Okay," she agreed. "As long as there is food."

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