Chapter 5

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In some way, Blythe was a little crushed, and she didn't understand why. There wasn't any way she could like three different people, and have each of them return the same feelings.

And Denver was sitting in the chair closest to the kitchen. If he just turned slightly to the left and looked over the large counter, he would've seen them, too. Was he pretending he didn't know? Or did he really not care?

She wanted him to care because she wanted him to feel the exact same way she did. She hadn't even realized how hard she had been crushing on all of them until this moment. She felt silly because of it.

Why would any of the three handsome men even feel so inclined to look at her in a way that wasn't friends? That was putting way too heavy of expectations on men she had met a week ago.

It didn't stop her from feeling like the frumpiest person of all time.

She pulled the blanket up to her chin, squeezing the fabric tightly. She pretended to focus on the show and try to forget it all ever happened.

"You're awake," Paxton said, coming around the corner, followed by Josiah. "Feeling any better?"

She nodded.

"Good," Josiah said. "You didn't sleep more than thirty minutes. Our dinner is finished if you want to eat."

Josiah had made a beautiful chicken and rice dish that beat the canned chicken noodle soup she was going to eat originally.

They sat at her small square table. This time, Paxton was next to her instead of Denver.

"This is amazing," she told Josiah. He had shed his suit jacket and lost his tie. His white shirt was rolled up. She looked down at her bowl.

Did her feelings even matter if she had three new friends? They came to her when she was sick. They had been talking nonstop. She couldn't-

She couldn't imagine not talking to them. In a week, they had become close. She had been so lonely before. That's why she needed to shove whatever she was feeling away.

"Thank you," Josiah answered.

"I think we should plan to do something together again, like we did last week," Paxton said.

Blythe looked up, meeting Denver's gaze. His brows were furrowed, like he was thinking hard about something.

"My schedule is all over the place right now," Blythe said quietly.

"Mine is too," Denver admitted. "I don't know that I will be able to come this far into town next week, but you all are more than welcome to come my way."

Paxton grinned. "That would be fun. Can I ride a horse?"

"I think I could make it work," Denver said. "Maybe Saturday or Sunday."

"I've never rode a horse before," Josiah admitted.

"I used to offer trail rides before everything got really busy," Denver said. "I've got some great scenery along my property."

"That sounds fun," Paxton spoke up. "Let's try to leave it open ended to see what would work well for Blythe."

"If you don't want to come that's okay," Denver reassured her, still giving her that deep look from before, like he knew something was bothering her. "We don't have to take up your weekends."

Blythe nodded. She stood from her chair, gathering their dishes. She carried them to the sink.

The four of them worked together to clean up before they parted ways.


"What the hell was that about?" Denver asked Paxton and Josiah as they left Blythe's place.

"I don't know," Josiah answered. "I thought she was bothered by having us there."

"I don't think it was that," Paxton said. "But something was wrong."

"She probably just doesn't feel great and was overwhelmed," Josiah said, pulling out his car keys. "I'll catch up with you guys next weekend."

"Have a good week," Denver said, pulling his hat low over his eyes and walking out into the dark street.

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