Chapter 24

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Falling back into routine wasn't so bad for Blythe since she was still on summer break. It was an amazing beach trip, but it felt good to be home.

She picked the cucumbers and the peppers, placing them in her basket. She had plans for a salad for lunch, and a delivery to her hard working men.

She went back to the house. She had grilled some chicken, and was going to throw everything together.

She took one of the farm trucks over to Jo and Pax's office. It wasn't too far from the house, but it was quite a walk without a truck or quad.

Paxton was concentrating with his headphones on, and Blythe was really tempted to scare him, but thought better of it because she didn't want him to mess up the gorgeous painting.

Instead, she went to Jo who was working on his computer. He smiled when he saw her.

"Hi, Bee baby. I'm so happy to see you," he said, holding out his arms.

His beautiful smile was contagious. She set down the food, making her way over. He pulled her into his lap.

"You've been spoiling me," he said, pressing his lips to hers.

"She's been spoiling all of us," Paxton said, walking in. He looked in her bag of food. "Damn, that smells good."

"I'm starving," Denver announced as he walked in, pulling off his hat.

"Hi, Starving," Paxton teased.

Denver reached for him quite roughly by the waist, pulling him against him. Paxton laughed in response, pecking his lips.

"You're sweaty," Pax whined, trying to squirm away.

Denver finally released his grip.

There was a small table between the office and studio, and Blythe ushered everybody that way for a quick lunch.

"Everything is from the garden," she said. "Lettuce, cucumber, tomato, peppers."

"That's amazing," Jo said. "Thank you."

It was quiet as they ate.

Denver sat back with a sigh. It was a hot day, and she couldn't imagine working outside. She was glad he got a break.

"That painting looks good," Denver said to Pax.

"Thank you," Paxton smiled. "It's a huge commission. I've been pretty nervous about it, but once I got started it just became second nature."

"How do you all feel?" Blythe asked curiously. "About us, I mean. I was thinking about applying to the elementary school just down the road. They have an opening for a first grade position. I know we haven't talked a lot about after the summer-"

Denver took her hand, disrupting her nervous ramble.

"I love this," Paxton said quietly, rarely so serious. "I love this life that we are building together."

Jo nodded. "Me too. I'm happy."

"I'm happier than happy. I'm elated, ecstatic, exuberant," Paxton continued.

Jo nudged his leg with his under the table. Paxton grinned, hooking his leg around Jo's, trapping him.

Jo tried to pull away, his knees knocking against the table.

Denver grabbed the lemonade pitcher before it tipped over.

"You guys are going to knock the whole table over," Denver scolded. "What is going on?"

Blythe laughed. She loved their antics. She loved them.

"I love you," she admitted softly, not directing it to any one of them, but all of them. She loved each of them individually, entirely. They were her everything.

The table went still. Blythe felt the blush creep up her neck into her cheeks. Denver gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Aww," Paxton cooed, his grin never fading. "I love you, too. I love all of you, even though Jo gets on my nerves."

Josiah scoffed, shaking his head, but his happy smile wasn't easily hidden. She loved that such a serious man became gushy under their affection.

"I love all of you, too," Jo said.

"Me, too," Denver said. "I'm happy that you all want to stay. I know the house is small. We can expand it."

"Does your brain ever stop?" Josiah asked.

Denver shrugged. "Does yours?"

"The house is perfect," Blythe reassured, running her thumb along the back of his hand.

"You all don't even have half of your stuff," Denver said.

"We should build a sex room," Paxton said. He a gave a dramatic gasp. "A sex shed."

"I was thinking just a larger TV room and maybe an office," Denver said. "I'd like to open up the kitchen since it's getting more use now."

"A larger kitchen would be nice," Jo agreed. "I wouldn't mind an island where you all could sit. How about I hire an architect and a construction company?"

"Blythe and I still agree we want a sex shed," Paxton announced.

"I did not agree," Blythe said.

Paxton poked his tongue out at her.

Denver wasn't a man of many words. Him willing to change his house showed her that he wanted their relationship to be permanent, that they had a place of their own. It was incredibly endearing.

She could tell Jo was patiently waiting for a protest, but it didn't come.

Denver nodded. "Okay, you can hire. But you won't be paying for all of it."

"Fine," Jo nodded. Blythe was surprised he gave in.

"We'll just talk about it later," Josiah finished. Denver said nothing else about it.

Blythe packed up the table, letting Jo and Pax get back to work.

Denver pecked her lips, and her cheeks.

"I'm so happy you want to stay," he said. "That all of you want to."

"Me too," she smiled, picking his hat up and placing it on his head.

Everything was perfect.

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