Bonus Chapter Part 2

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Author Note: bonus chapter are scenes I had already written but were excluded from the chapters due to length, incompletes, etc. This set was written before the final chapter.

"Look how pretty," Blythe cooed, running the tips of her fingers over the fluffy blooming flowers lining the trail.

"This is exactly what I had in mind when I said that I wanted to get away," Paxton said, sighing contentedly, his hand clasped with Denver's.

It was pretty early, but they were trying to beat the heat and get a head start on the day. The hike was pretty, and had some good rocks which Blythe appreciated a lot.

They neared the end of their hike. Their destination was a large area of massive rocks.

Pax immediately searched for a way to get to the highest point, but Blythe was pretty content hanging out near the bottom, soaking in the morning sun.

Josiah went with Paxton, but Denver stayed close.

Denver reached into his backpack, pulling out a bottle of water. He offered it over.

"You should drink something, Bee," he said.

She reached into her own bag, offering him the multiple snacks she had as trade.

"Take a picture of me," Paxton yelled. He had successfully made it to the top.

Denver pulled out his phone, walking closer to him.

"Please be careful," Bee yelled back. "Where's Jo?"

"He's being a chicken."

Blythe laughed when she heard Josiah's muffled protest.

Denver came back over, plopping down. He took her hand, his thumb drawing soothing circles across her skin.

"Fireworks tonight?" he asked. "They're having them at that waterfront park we passed when we drove in yesterday."

Blythe nodded.

Paxton and Josiah came back down, joining them on their rock.

"It's starting to get hot," Josiah said, pulling at his t-shirt.

"It's okay. You can take your shirt off," Paxton said nonchalantly.

Josiah reached to grab Paxton, but he jumped out of the way with a laugh.

"Be careful," Denver scolded.

Blythe offered them the snacks she was eating. Paxton kissed her forehead.

"Denver took a good picture of you," she told Pax, who grinned.

They packed up their stuff and began the trek down the trail.

The shade of the trees did nothing to protect them from the hot day as the sun rise high in the sky. They were all sweaty as they finally made it back to the car.


"Here's your chair, honey," Jo said, offering Blythe the camping chair he was carrying for her.

She thanked him and unfolded it so the four of them were sitting in a close half circle. It was crowded in the park for the fireworks. It seemed like it had been forever since they had been in such a large crowd together.

Paxton had left to find snacks, and Denver had insisted on going with him after they had set up their chairs.

"Where do you think the fireworks will be?" Blythe asked curiously.

"I'm not sure," Jo said. "It's been forever since I've seen fireworks."

"Me too," she smiled. She was excited. It had been a great day, and she was enjoying their little getaway.

"I come with gifts," Paxton announced, his arms full of kettle corn bags. Denver had funnel cake.

"Pass that over," Blythe said, reaching for the funnel cake.

Jo shook his head with disbelief, a small smile appearing. "You and Paxton with the sweet tooth."

"Be careful. It's hot," Denver said as he sat down, handing her the plate.

Blythe pulled at the funnel cake, offering the plate to Jo who admitted to never trying it before.

"Funnel cake virgin," Paxton joked, tossing a handful of the popcorn in his mouth. "You're kind of a boring old man."

"That's not very nice," Denver defended. "He can't help it."

Josiah chuckled, patting Denver's hand consolingly. "It's alright. Boring is a good word. It's hard to do new things when you're by yourself."

"I agree with that," Blythe said quietly. "That's why this is so fun."

"It's a lot of fun," Josiah nodded. "Being with you all is the best adventure."

Paxton smiled, this one sweet and less bratty. "Love you."

"Love you most," Blythe grinned. "I'll trade you funnel cake for the popcorn."

They swapped treats, sitting back and watching the sun sink below the horizon. As soon as the sky darkened, it was lit up with glittering displays and bright flashes of light. It was a lot of fun. Her heart was full.

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