Chapter 8

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Blythe was amazed by Denver's ranch. She stepped out of her car and into the cool country air. She could see horses in a field in the distance. It was serene.

She recognized Josiah's car immediately. The luxury car stood out like a sore thumb among the dust and mud.

Denver walked out onto the porch to greet her. His farmhouse was cute and picturesque with the fading sun behind it.

"Hi, Bee," he greeted, taking her bags.

"Hi," she smiled, excited to see him. She leaned up on her toes to kiss his cheek.

"I have you up in the second bedroom upstairs, but Jo is in there right now on a call."

"That's okay," she said. Paxton was teaching an evening class and would be around a little later. She followed Denver into the kitchen, putting some of the groceries she had brought away in his fridge.

"I was thinking we'd wait for them for dinner. Do you want a snack or a drink?"

She shook her head. "I wouldn't mind seeing the horses though."

Denver agreed. He gave her the official tour, showing her the barn, the different fields and trails. He showed her where his garden grew in the summer months. It was all so beautiful.

Blythe decided to take her stuff up to the bedroom when they got back to the house. She wanted to say hi to Josiah as long as he wasn't on a video call.

Josiah's lips quirked up when he saw her as she tentatively poked her head in the door. He was sitting on the bed with his laptop next to him. Someone was talking rather quickly about some investment. She didn't know how Jo could process all of it so quickly.

"Hi, honey," he said, so sweet and soft. "I'm muted right now. Come here."

He held out his arms, and she walked into them. He pulled her close, settling her on his lap with her legs wrapped around him.

"Aren't you supposed to be listening?" she whispered. She rubbed his back, her hands going up his neck and into his hair.

He sighed, leaning back into her touch. "What makes you think I'm not?"

She gave his hair a gentle tug. He tightened his hold on her in response.

"Such a pretty girl," he whispered. "I bet you have no idea what you do to me. Not just me - Paxton and Denver, too. You have all of us wrapped around your finger."

His hand also moved to her hair. She was locked in his gaze, completely captivated by him that she didn't even notice the subtle nudge he gave to bring her lips closer to his.

He kissed her hard. He held her in place as his lips moved against hers.

He pulled back abruptly. Blythe wanted to protest, but he went back to his meeting, answering the question that must've been asked of him with a smirk on his face.

She knew what that smirk meant. Told you I was listening.

She stood up, leaving him be and deciding to find Denver. She was surprised to see Paxton had just arrived.

"Look at you," Paxton smiled at her. "You're so cute."

She went to his side, and he pulled her in for a hug.

"Did you bring enough beer, Pax?" Denver asked, a case under each arm. He moved them to the fridge, sticking a few in the freezer for a quick chill before dinner.

"I know you can drink a six pack all by yourself, cowboy," Paxton retorted, shuffling through his bags until he pulled out a bottle of tequila. "As the lady requested."

"You won't drink beer, but you'll drink tequila?" Denver asked her skeptically, taking the bottle and looking it over.

"I can hide the tequila under juice and sugar," Blythe defended. She looked up at Paxton who gave her a smile. "How was your class?"

"It was good. The last few I've held have been sold out, and everybody has shown."

"That's great," Denver said. "I saw all of the art supplies in your trunk."

"I never go anywhere without them," Paxton said. "But I was also hoping to do a little painting this weekend."

Blythe moved to the fridge, pulling stuff out for dinner.

"You can paint me," Blythe spoke up.

"Yeah," Paxton agreed, his goofy little smile brightening his features. "Naked?"

"Who's naked?" Josiah asked curiously, coming down the stairs.

"Blythe was saying that she would model for me," Paxton said, going over to Josiah for a kiss.

Blythe blushed. "It's not what I meant."

Denver helped her find what she need to cook their meal. His appliances and equipment were very nice.

It didn't take long for dinner to come together. Denver had quite a large dining room table that they sat around.

"This smells and looks amazing," Paxton said, stretching his arm across the back of her chair as she cut into the lasagna.

"Thank you," she said with a smile. She served each of them.

While the lasagna had been baking, Blythe had made them all some drinks. Tequila sunrises were her favorite, and she was happy that everyone wanted to partake.

It was quiet for a moment as everyone ate.

"We never quite talked about how you wanted to be included in this, Denver," Josiah said. "Paxton and I would never want you to feel left out, but we also don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Denver rested his forearms on the table. "I don't really know how I feel," he admitted. "I've never looked at guys in any way, not until I met both of you."

Denver met Paxton's gaze who gave him a reassuring smile. They all knew being vulnerable was an adjustment for someone like Denver. His entire livelihood was built on being a man, but they appreciated his honesty.

"What if Josiah wanted to kiss you right now?" Paxton asked curiously.

Denver shrugged. "As long as you don't do any of that girly shit, like grab my face or something."

Josiah huffed playfully. "Where the hell am I supposed to put my hands then?"

Blythe laughed softly. She thought it was only fitting that Denver's kiss was with Josiah seeing as he had kissed her and Paxton first, too.

Denver and Josiah kissed, hard. Josiah didn't hold his face, but he did hold the back of his head, keeping him in place.

Blythe couldn't tell who was more dominant. What she did know was that she was flushed all over.

She swallowed the last of her second drink. It was going to be a long weekend if Jo kept kissing them like that.

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