Chapter 14

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Blythe's vision quickly returned, along with a deep ache in her neck from being jerked. There was glass on her arm and lap, and that's when she realized that she couldn't move. Her legs were pinned.

"It's okay, Blythe," Paxton soothed, touching her arm. She didn't realize how loud her ears had been ringing with the panic that was festering inside of her until he finally got her attention.

Paxton was okay. She moved her eyes to Denver who also looked okay. He was saying something softly to Josiah, his hand on Josiah's back.

She realized Denver was shaking him. Josiah was passed out, his head hunched over. She couldn't see much more than that. She felt the pressure of tears behind her eyes.

Josiah grunted, and lifted his head. She started to cry with pure relief.

"I can't move," Blythe said, rubbing the tears away. She started to panic, pulling anxiously at her legs. "I can't move."

"Yes you can, baby," Paxton said. "Take a deep breath and come towards me."

Paxton had no problems getting his door open. He took her hand, and she moved with him. The pieces of glass stung her skin, and her legs felt numb from being caught next to the door.

The sirens were loud. She stuffed her face into Pax's shirt, feeling tears. Everything ached. How could it have happened so fast?

Denver didn't get out of the car until the firefighters were able to get Josiah out.

They had been t-boned. A car had ran the red light, full speed into their side.

Blythe thought a lot about how different it could've been. They could have taken Josiah's smaller luxury car, and the impact would have been way different. It could have been fatal.

The airbags didn't even go off. She could've been a lot more hurt.

Denver rode with Josiah in the ambulance. A police officer was nice enough to take her and Paxton after they had gathered the information they needed and the tow truck took Paxton's Jeep away.

Josiah was sitting up in a hospital bed in the emergency room. He had a deep gash on his forehead, but otherwise looked okay.

Blythe couldn't help but sob as she went to him. She couldn't help it. Everything has happened so fast, and the idea of losing them was terrifying.

"I'm okay," he whispered, kissing her forehead. "It's just a concussion."

Denver stepped behind her, and she turned, stuffing her face into his chest.

"Are you okay?" Denver asked her. "Do you want the nurse to check you out?"

Blythe shook her head. She wanted to forget any of this had ever happened.

"Paxton?" Denver asked.

Paxton glanced down at his body. He was completely okay other than a little bit of glass scraping him up.

"I'm fine," he told Denver. Paxton moved to sit next to Josiah.

Josiah took his hand, lacing their fingers together.

"I called my mom to come pick us up," Denver said.

"Let's just go back to my place," Paxton suggested. "We can watch over Josiah and Blythe for the night."

Denver nodded. He needed to make a few phone calls to make sure that his horses were covered for the next day or so, but that could wait.

He rubbed Blythe's back. Her arms were pretty cut up, but nothing serious. Paxton had told him she had also blacked out for a second, which meant she too probably had a concussion.

Blythe did not want to meet Denver's mom under these circumstances, but she was thankful for the ride so they could go home.

Josiah had to finish filling out some paperwork before they could leave.

Denver's mom, Brenda, rushed out of the car and to his side as the four of them stepped out of the building.

"Sweetie," she cooed. "I got here as fast as I could."

"Hi, mom. Thanks for coming to get us," Denver said.

He introduced each of them. Blythe hesitated for a brief second before getting in the car.

"It's going to be okay, Bee," Josiah said. His comforting voice reminded her of the first day they had met in the elevator, what felt like forever ago.

She let her mind focus on that as she slid in the car.

That elevator ride happened for a reason. It brought her her three men, and maybe there was a reason for this car accident, too. She just didn't know what that was.

Denver sat up front next to his mom. Blythe had Josiah and Paxton on either side of her.

It was pretty quiet. Blythe had Josiah's hand. He skimmed his thumb over her knuckles. The repeated motion soothed her, but she had a really bad headache forming.

It felt like it took forever to get to Paxton's house. There was a weird tension in the car.

"Thank you for coming to get us," Blythe said to Brenda.

Brenda gave her a tight lipped smile. "Of course."

Brenda hadn't even said anything, but Blythe could feel the judgement rolling off of her. What did she know? Did Denver tell her that they were all together?

Blythe followed Jo and Pax into the house, feeling a new ache in her chest. She had never given much thought to what others would say about their relationship because it had never mattered. It just felt right.

But Denver's mom's disapproval was different. Blythe always imagined getting along with her significant other's family because she didn't have any. This was crushing.


Denver glanced at his mom who was looking straight ahead.

"You know I will always support you, Denver, but this-" she shook her head. "Are you with Blythe? Or Josiah? Or Paxton?"

Denver hesitated, but that was all she needed.

"Denver, this is wrong in so many ways. Being with a man, being with two men-"

"It doesn't matter," Denver said, stuffing down his hurt. "Not to you it doesn't. I do love you mom, but this is my life, and they make me happy."

Denver got out of the car. "I wish you would've gotten to know them before you judged them so harshly."

Brenda didn't say anything else.

"Drive safe, mom. Thanks again for the ride."

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