More Bonus Chapters

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Hi friends.

Thanks for all of the love and awesome interaction with me and my book.

I have written 4 BRAND NEW exclusive bonus chapters (~4k words total) for my Patreon.

Two fluffy chapters. A smutty chapter. And a chapter with a little bit of drama.

I just uploaded two chapters there, and the next two chapters will go up next week.

Here's a sneak peek!


It had been a crazy few months.

Work was difficult for Blythe as she tried to adjust to her new job and teaching a new grade, and their home was a disaster as they expanded the kitchen and added a new, larger living room off of the back. For the past few weeks, it seemed like they couldn't relax because they were living in such a mess.

Blythe stepped out of her school, thinking about how nice a nap sounded after a day like today.

She was surprised to see Paxton out front leaning against his car. She smiled eagerly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I have been given specific instructions to pick you up," he said, helping her into his car.

"Why?" she asked.

Paxton shrugged. "I don't know. Jo and Denver wouldn't tell me anything. They kicked me out of the house."

And if you subscribe to my Patreon and want even more Endless Love bonus chapters, I will take requests and make it happen.

Lots of love,


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