part 27

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"yes...yes...yes...I will do cooking to impress my hubby and my family" he thought in his mind when he saw in a drama how a girl impressed her boyfriend and his family with her cooking.

"but how to start cooking? I don't know c of cooking...Mary is also out of town now who's gonna help me?" pout formed on his lips while thinking hard and suddenly his eyes become wide in realization.


"now jungkook will be fan of my cooking and me too" he flipped his hair with his hand and smirked but giggled immediately because he couldn't keep that face for long. He rushed to kitchen and saw the maids are discussing what to prepare first because mrs.jeon already give them menu for dinner.

"oh...good evening young master do you need anything?" a lady bow down and asked him when she realized his presence in kitchen.

" I don't need anything actually today I want to make dinner for everyone so can I?" they all looked at each other worriedly because they all know that tae doesn't know how to cook?

"but young master soon it will be dinner time everyone must be coming in 1 or 2 hour, how are you gonna prepare everything on your own?" tae was thinking and take his seat on kitchen island and other maids were still in dilemma what to do?

"you can help me a little bit, if you guys want...but I will make food you guys won't even touch it" he declared and step down from island and opened the fridge. Maids sighed in relief at least they can help him and make the food edible for others.

Taehyung opened the youtube and searched for all dishes which he wants to make. He decided to make kimbap first, which is favorite of his in laws. He also invited his father and informed him that today he is making food. Maid face palmed their face when he chooses such dishes for beginner like him, now they know that today family has to order food from outside.

"mam what is he doing? Its already passed half an hour how he gonna finish these dishes?" a maid asked an older maid who is head of kitchen.

"young master let me help you with kimbap, it will take time" head chef comes to him and tried to take the knife and carrot from him which he was trying to cut since 15 minutes.

"no...I said I will make it, so that means I will make it, you go and stand there, if I will need help than I'll ask for it."

He put the carrot aside and chooses onion to cut but as soon as he put knife on it, it thrown away from chopping board and fell down. He nervously laughed at others but continued his work. 1 hour already passed like this but only vegetable are chopped that to done by maids. He already finished all seaweed sheets but couldn't make a perfect roll. He took the egg and with the knife he tap on it a little bit harshly and as a result of that egg yolk splashed on his apron and half egg fell down on floor.

"ewww...." He threw the down on floor and wiped his hand on apron.

"young master this is cashew nut not garlic" tae put the container back on island and sat down on floor. He roamed his eyes in whole kitchen. The kitchen was mess as if some kind of storm passed from here. He looked at the staff with guilty eyes. He get up and bow down in front of them " I am so sorry, I am such a useless person. See I made so much mess and now because of me you have to do extra work. I am sorry"

A lady who was head of the kitchen came to him and patted his head with so much love.

"its okay young master we'll clean everything, and you are not useless, if you want to learn anything than you should take baby step. We shouldn't rush into big steps otherwise we'll fail in our task. Do you get it?" tae nod his head in yes.

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