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In kaali maa temple

A small girl of 5 excitedly climbing the stairs she has chocolate and toffees and some flowers after reaching the idol girl place the chocolate and toffees on idol feet and by joining her paam and singing kanha Bhajan song ..

One of the devotees see this and get angry and tell this to priest ... priest blood boiled he angrily comes to the girl and push her and throw away her chocolate and toffees.. little girl eyes filled with tears

Priest - u impure blood firstly my coming here u impure the temple and what are u singing Krishna bhajan

Girl- pandit ji u only said all God is one then what's the matter if i sing any bhajan

Person - it's because she doesn't got values

Priest- because of u i have to clean this temple again..stay away

Girl- i am not impure i have bath very nicely

Priest- but ur body and soul is impure u are bad omen getting birth her mother died that was good

Girl started crying badly this was scene by a lady

Lady- pandit ji shame on u..u are spitting poison on a small girl

From back gadodiya family came
Dadi- reh sujata why are u saying this to him this girl is like this her mother was a keep and she will be

Shekhar - swara beta go from here

Swara- my mommy was good ...i am going kaali maa u are very bad i will never come to ur house again i hate u ..i hate

Swara run away while going she dash with a boy

Boy- why u came to such places to be insulted

Swara- sanskal u are also bad like all ..i hate u

Swara run away sanskar has tears in his eyes
Sanskar - swara when i will become big i will be successful for u so that no one should insult u

All started cleaning the temple...while cleaning an aghori comes with his students

Priest- please see i will bring something to eat

Aghori looks at fallen chocolate and toffees he picks up and smiles

Aghori - gauri shankar god doesn't look what his devotees are giving him what is the brand..they looks at the feelings and love which that child had fully ..why are u cleaning this soul less  temple...Devi has left this temple look there

From goddess idol foot print is going out of temple..which ladies try to remove but doesn't gone

Aghori- ur family is surrounded with bad luck Parvati ...jai mahakal

Swara who is sitting outside Bose house at that time same aghori comes to her

Swara touch his feet he bless her ..she run inside he see same foot print which is in temple but here it is going inside

Swara comes with some food
Swara- baba will you eat my food u will turn inauspicious

He smiles
Swara- this food orphanage aunty given u have i will drink milk

Aghori - eat the food..

After sometime he was going and turn towards her
Aghori-maa came to u ..u will never hungry

Swara-whose mother i didn't saw anyone

Aghori smiles and goes swara goes in and shock to see her plate is full with food
She happily eat and sleep peacefully

Next day
When orphanage people came to give breakfast but they shock swara is not there and it's looking like from yrs there is no one

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