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Rakht yaakus were sucking blood ..laksh who is afraid remember swara


Swara-the most important work is yours laksh sanskar Ragini life is in ur hand...i can stop souls for some time once they kill the Bali they will turn to u both u have to save both urself and sanskar ...sanskar have only two minutes exactly on two minutes u have to put gangajal on devil's image

Laksh- yaksh will attach me two

Swara- hmmm ...take this gangajal but remember no yaksh cross the circle if they do so no one will able save sanskar

Flashback ends

Laksh by seeing yaksh is getting scared as slowly they turn towards him he started sweeting his legs where moving backward he see time in his watch then at yaksh who were coming towards them


In store room

A cat falls on Ragini as a result one two banana leaf falls down Ragini get scared but cover her mouth ..she feels someone presence but not seen as someone searching for something's coming in her direction...she is sweeting and afraid

She feels presence near her going due to sweet formed her face she it with her pallu a result Ash on her face wipes ...she get scared as soul smell her it turns towards Ragini it take some form and coming towards her ...being scared..she gets up and hides her in corner but that soul is getting her smell

Laksh stand as shield to sanskar who was breathing heavily holding his neck he is slowly loosing his concious.. yaksh were coming towards them laksh sprinkle gangajal on them ...yaksh started burning but more and more yaksh were coming one of them kick laksh ..some yaksh attack him he hit one of them with his head and see time and yaksh were going to enter circle

Soul through some things towards Ragini by which falls on the floor soul is coming towards her Ragini moving moving She see her pallu having soil ..she move a side and with difficulty apply it back on her face as a result soul doesn't get any smell it goes back

Laksh sprinkle gangajal on them and goes towards circle he sprinkle on them but one of yaksh holds his leg..laksh falls down and yaksh bits his leg ....but laksh through gangajal on devil image mouth as gangajal falls all yaksh melt everything becomes like before blood circle disappeared ..laksh goes towards sanskar who is shivering as his soul is going out of his body

Swara comes to him and holds his pam and chant some mantras sanskar starts getting normal his wounds disappeared he gets normal sanskar gets up and hugs laksh ..swara falls on her knees sanlak shock to see swara having sanskar injury ...they are coming to her but swara shows her paam

Till Ragini also comes by taking bath and shocks to see swara condition.. after 5 mints her injury disappeared

Sanskar-swara are you okay

Swara- sanskar what u say

Sanskar -blur image of a man beating a woman and a small child child in curdle crying and that same man is flirting in a club and using them and at last sen Gupta constructions

Swara-we will find out go and take rest for sometime...

As raglak and sanskar going swara see laksh walking with difficulty

Swara- one mint laksh what happened to u

Laksh-nothing one of the yaksh bitten me

Swara get shocked
Swara- how many mints happened of this incidents

Laksh-may be 15-20mints

Swara- oh my God

Karmafahal (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now