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Before smoke approach  towards them as it is reaching towards them it's taking human form .. raglak is sweating...sanskar who saw it from distance he threw something on it ..soul converted into scary lady raglak falls down they run away...four of them is part away in four directions

Ragini run towards a room which get locked there is lots of toys ....she careful moves forward but she accidentally hit a toy started laughing she scares..all toys started Ragini crying voice started .she see a cardle she with shivering body she goes to cardle she looks at baby a cute baby ..she smiles she goes to take it but in another second bady turned injured and baby soul ..Ragini falls down soul comes out of cardle by crawling comes towards Ragini it's eyes where silver ..Ragini is moving back she hit with wall

..Ragini somehow gets up and opens the door and close the door it she rest on door

Laksh is hiding under the bed after sometime he feels there is nothing he going to come out but he hears door opening sound he hide himself he see same creature who previously attacked Ragini break everything before he breaks bed he goes from there ...he feels unpleasant calmness..he hide his head on floor..a soul of a girl that soul going things where automatically opening

Laksh see the can only see fling feets he cover his mouth he see the feets roaming in the room ..and going but it stops ..laksh shocks to see soul infront of him holds his neck and gets up by breaking the bed she holds laksh neck and holds him up ..laksh is suffocating..

Laksh with full force trying to hit her use but soul run away
Ragini who is resting on door opens her eyes and see laksh stair her

Ragini-are u okay..where is swasan

Laksh is not paying any attention to her words he place his lips on her and kissing her wildly ..she is trying hard to separate her from him after sometime he break the kiss ..
Ragini-laksh here our life at risk .what are u doing...

Ragini goes forward but laksh hold her paam and bring in front and slaps her hard his eyes turned red Ragini scares..he kiss her again and from his one hand touching her body  

He tore shoulder dress ...all of a sudden something hit laksh badly he falls from stairs and glass piece get inside shoulder it's going deeper..Ragini scream loudly

Sanskar who was behind swara .. rescued her falling pillar and hugs her ..but swara seprate him

Swara-sanskar stay away from me ..i know ur feelings from childhood but the reality changed now

Sanskar-swara from when we came to this inauspicious banglow everything changed now i understood why this previous owned sold for low budget

Before he say something everything starts attacking him someone is beating him very badly and throw him down.. He gets up but again someone hit him hard

A soul appear
Soul-it's my house it not inauspicious it was my house u all snatched it

By saying holds sanskar and throw him on wall

Soul -its was heaven u all made it hell

she  holds sanskar and banged his head and fall ..swara spell some mantras..soul disappeared

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