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Swara-it's not a joke parvathi gadodiya it's not ..u have to give life to tantra ..u can't backout

Ragini-if these tantra breaks we will save from these mess

Swara-are you stupid or making me stupid this black magic and all is beyond ur expectations that's why we should be away from it

Sanskar-what u mean

Swara-without proper knowledge she created a mess she freed the souls and tantra now if u end that has nothing effect on souls

Ragini - dadi u dist

Laksh - what happened

Ragini-someone is pulling me

Laksh hugs her but someone is dragging her hard sanskar too comes and cover her followed by dadi ...swara is going but stops by seeing something..there a heavy cyclone is coming to there Direction swara stopping it with her power by looking at her at shocks

Swara-run i can't hold it for long ..go out of this wing

Sanskar-i won't go without u

Swara-i will come i promise go i can't hold it for long

They run out of wing

Sanskar-swara come

Swara leave it and run towards exist cyclone coming towards her swara jump out sanskar holds her he hugs her tightly..he breaks the hug

Swara-i am alright

Suddenly Ragini goes backwards and disappeared... bunglow starts shaking glass started breaking

Dadi-where is my laado

Swara-paying for ur foolishness

They hear Ragini's screaming voice ..,

Sanskar-we have to spread and search for Ragini

Ragini is hidding herself in corner of room ...door of the room opens someone enters ..Ragini cover her mouth with her paam she scared badly ,.,

Soul is searching for her madly throwing the things here Nd there cupboard opens things inside it comes out....soul turn to go Ragini feel relief

Soul comes infront of her as feel hold on her saare paalu ...Ragini try to run but soul holds her hair and slaps her and pin her to fall her face is facing wall her blouse hooks were opening her bare back is seen Ragini is crying badly and soul is exploring her

Her shouts were heard by all they were trying hard to find her ... but it's seeing difficult as complete bunglow is in dark ....

Laksh crying badly by hearing Ragini's painful shout as moving laksh sanskar swara dadi reach the room at time Ragini crying as soul is bitting her shoulder..swara started chanting mantras kumkum appears on her paam she throws on Ragini and soul

Soul started screaming and disappeared.. Ragini falls on her knees and cry miserably laksh goes to her he cover her with his jacket Ragini hugs him laksh is going to hug her back but stops himself sanskar looks at him ..laksh's eyes having hesitation

Swara-dadi look because of ur greediness what's ur grand daughter is facing...

Dadi-when this soul end everything end

Swara- dadi being a woman..may be that soul end but the scare that pain will always hunt her..i am praying to God to give strength to her

Sanskar-there love will help her to over come ..look there

Laksh is applying oilment on her back

Sanskar-his hesitation is not more than his love for her

After an hour

Swara-tomorrow is the judgement day tomorrow u will win or loose everything forever tomorrow is Kali amavasya tomorrow there power will increase to thousands time and don't forget dadi's tantra... tomorrow i will be powerless

Sanskar-what we have to do we are going round and round only

Swara-not we it's u ...I got my answers the soul behind Ragini and kill laksh is of sahil sen Gupta former care taker of this mahal and the soul who wanted to kill Ragini is his wife kavita ..sahil was an womanizer....he daily brought women here ..lastly for a rich girl he killed his wife and new born baby but that rich girl was more evil than sahil she burned this mahal and sahil Alive

Laksh-that lady

Swara-is no more she died giving birth to a girl child

Dadi shockingly looks at swara
Dadi-you mean

Swara- yes guessed it correct ... tomorrow is that same date 20yrs ago that brutal murders happened...Ragini laksh sanskar tomorrow everywhere in the mahal lights should be burn there should be no darkness do the necessary arrangements we have very less time ....i will answer ur queries later

Trio goes dadi comes to swara

Dadi-you mean  to say that child is........

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