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Swara feels someone presence
Swara - sanskar go from here

Sanskar-swara where will I go

Swara-sanskar go to ur brother go don't turn back

Sanskar-swara stop ur nonsense

Swara-it's not nonsense ur family has lost two life go now I mean it

Sanskar goes swara turn towards back
Swara- who are u

A soul appears who is very angry
Soul- go from here before it's too late for u.

Swara-what u wanted

Soul-i wan.. cheater....cheater still this earth is full with cheater

Soul through a electric waves towards swara but it goes straight towards sanskar who was hiding and hearing them..soul holds his neck and bring in front

Swara- sanskar

Soul stops as she hear something and goes sanskar breath heavily swara got anger but goes behind the soul ..sanskar follows her ...swara see him she straight comes to hall where raglak where waiting for them

Sanskar-shona what was that..that soul and all

Raglak - Shona means u are

Swara-shut up ..sanskar i am telling u three for last time it's not joke or movie if i say something then I mean it sanskar because of ur stupidity that soul left without telling

Sanskar-swara i just

Swara- just what ha what just it's not fun ur one mistake end all ur life the chance we got we lost it ...the truth is by doing this u are not leave it's waste talk to u get ready to face consequences

Swara goes to her room followed by all Ragini going for shower she slips she see fan falling down she turn to other side she gets up lamp falls on her ..her shoulder get injured things in her room is attacking her she get some minor injury

While running she goes to 2floor right wing when she realised it she turn to go but someone holds her hair Ragini shout in pain and dragging her Ragini with teary eyes look a devil type big thing hit her head on wall ..Ragini shout through her ..Ragini with great difficulty hide herself in cupboard..that thing search for her while passing through cupboard Ragini feel relief but it punch on cupboard Ragini get punch on as finally Ragini is seen ragininsome how run but she is not able to run away as some unseen wall is blocking her ...a rope hang on her neck like she is doing suicide at the nick of time laksh sanskar save her ..swara comes

Sanskar-swara what's this

Swara without answering him goes forward she see a very angry soul ..

Swara- run from here

Swara run followed trio things where hitting them swara goes to other side raglak run towards exist sanskar goes behind swara raglak going to exit but door closed ...and raglak is hanged  in reverse from floor a black smoke is coming above

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