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Everyone has lots of questions but no one is saying anything everyone is getting ready

Swara room

Swara is getting ready she sees towards the window she open it and looks at sky

Sanskar who came to call her see her lost in thoughts ..he comes towards her as he going to place his paam on her shoulder..but swara turn towards him

Swara-leave this place before sunset

Sanskar - please don't talk hiden meaning talks ..i am already confused that guruji said what u told

Swara- don't waste ur time in lose talks death is surrounded ur family leave this mansion know.

Sanskar - come with me down

Swara- u go and dad directly go from here to airport

All gathered on hall except uttra Ragini goes to call her..

Ragini enter inside uttra room door closed automatically..Ragini try to open but it's not opening

Ragini looks at uttra whose face is covered by hairs  she is sitting with knife

Ragini- uttra


Ragini goes close to her she get shock to see blood her leg hands were bleeding

Ragini-what are you doing...uttra

Ragini touch uttra shoulder uttra push her .. she falls down..hairs of uttra face fly backwards Ragini shocks to see her scary face her eyes where yellow and red combo

Ragini - laksh laksh sanskar maa

Uttra comes on her like spider

Soul- ssssshhhhhh what u thought u can go leaving me

Ragini-who....a ..are you..what u wanted

Soul touches her chest lustly Ragini try to remove the hold ...soul comes close to her ears

Soul- u can't stop me

Ragini-help laksh

Soul takes the knife and cut uttra's veins of hands ...uttra scream also here .,.

Soul fly and sit on fan .

Soul-u are mine can't go leaving me

Ragini gets up run towards door but soul comes infront of her and break her mangalsutra

After waiting for long sanlak comes to see uttra room but it's not opening but suddenly door open Ragini comes out runningly seeing her condition laksh cover her with his jacket he hugs her but he get kicked uttra comes out flying by seeing her sanlak shocks

Soul-she is mine ..stay away from her

Sanskar - uttra

Uttra-bhaiya save me

Soul through uttra body on pillar...uttra falls down and cry miserably

Soul- send her to me ..

Laksh hide Ragini behind her soul through her on roof ..uttra is crying miserably...

Sanskar falls on his knees and request soul

Sanskar - please leave my sister

Soul-then send her to me..i will leave ur sister

Tears where flowing from his eyes in helplessness

Soul hits head on wall sanskar try to stop but it fly away

At that time swara enter and throw gangajal on uttra soul leave her body

Swara- were this rakshasutra know

All wear it uttra cries in pain sanskar comes to her ...he hold her but uttra breath last in his arms and die

Sanskar place her on floor and comes to swara and holds shoulder his eyes is red in anger

Sanskar - what's this ..u have to tell this ..

Swara-it's not my mistake this mansion is cursed .. laksh Ragini u both are not safe

Ragini- that ghost is behind my body he will not leave me

Swara- not one here is three ghost ..the powerful one didn't shown up

Sanskar - i will kill them

Swara-in ur dreams

Sanskar - he killed my sister damm it my sister i can't save her i will not leave it 

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