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Swara comes to them

Swara- i am sorry on behalf of him this mansion is not inauspicious..i know ur pain very well

Soul- that's why I never hurt u .. because of his forefathers my house became haunted they again came to destroy it again

Swara-sir no one will break ur mansion i promise u my dad is partner in business i promise u no resort will be construct here

Soul leave sanskar and goes
Swara-are you okay

Sanskar nodes
Sanskar-swara i never in my dreams thought in three ghost this one will go easily

Swara- who said he gone

Sanskar-swara still .... wait my forefather what they did .... everyone is behind property

Swara- sanskar first thing never be over confident second thing I said three ghost in that he was never there..i previously knows he may punish u but never kill u  ...u seen is his anger not hatred for u

Sanskar-what u mean

Till raglak also came

Sanskar-swara this was anger he almost killed me

Swara- then what u expect from him whole family was killed and he was burned alive in this mansion by ur grand father..sanskar he was ur mother grandparents

Laksh - how many ghost are there

Swara-many but u have to face only three

Laksh-they are three but feel like lakhs

Sanskar-swara but how to tackle them

Swara-for that one among u have to go to there world

Trio shocks
Swara-let me tell u it will be very dangerous..if anything happens there u will loose ur life here too .

Ragini-but that souls will not allow us to go there or anywhere

Swara-limitations barrier only body has not soul ..

Laksh - means one of u has to die

Swara - u can say go to there world u have to leave ur body here

Sanskar-mean i have to lie in a tube filed with water and my soul will go there

Swara-sanskar sharapit movie I also seen its no movie ..first decide who will go accept Ragini

Ragini-why can't I go

Swara-because ur body is day after day is decompositing 

Laksh-swara don't give me attack one by one kill me in one go

Sanskar- guys please...i will go ..swara tell me what i have to do

Swara- kill yourself

Trio- what

Swara-cut ur veins's that time when u will be between death and life you have very less time in that time you have to find ur answer

They were scared from inside but not showing.. centre of this mansion make evil sign then cut your veins and make your blood falls on it

Laksh-what..are u mad ...are u listening what u are this he will definitely turn into ghost ..i have lost my sister i don't want to loose my brother

Swara-choice is urs

Sanskar-swara i am ready..laksh we don't have any option

Swara- when his soul is out u have to protect his body ....sanskar u will get only few seconds so be careful and watch everything actively

Ragini-what will i do .

Swara-ragini laksh sanskar things are not that simple as u all are considering...the moment blood touch the floor rakhta pishaach will come to drink sanskar blood because u are offering them ur blood ..laksh u have to face death to save him and Ragini the moment they see u they will kill u because ur smell make them mad to kill u guys think thousand times because once u step forward u can't back off

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