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By hearing her scream laksh get inside the washroom

Ragini-look laksh

Laksh-what Ragini there is nothing

From outside
Sanskar-bro is everything okay

Laksh- yeah bro ....Ragini is little stressed

Swara-it's okay take stress ..
Swara going she feels something but she say nothing and goes out

Sanskar-okay good night

Swara is going but suddenly powercut happened swara get afraid and run towards sanskar ..

Swara- sanskar

Sanskar - what happened swara

Swara-i am scared of darkness

Sanskar - it's okay lite will come ...look it's my room till lite comes u be there

Swara is like small scared little girl hiding behind sanskar.. sanskar bring her to his room make her sit on bed comfortably

Sanskar - u sit here i will bring candles

Swara holds his paam and gets up and hugs him
Swara-don't go please this darkness is so scary it will eat me
Sanskar sit next to her..but he is lost in his thoughts

Small swara hiding under a car family who came to gd mansion for dinner
Sanskar get down from car and saw Bose mansion which is filled with darkness.. sanskar worried for swara he was going there but sujata called him
After sometime he came out he hears sobbing sound ..he goes following the sound..he bend down and see scared swara

Sanskar - what are u doing here cow

Swara with her pink face hide her face

Sanskar - cow why are u scared

Swara- my house is full of darkness something happened there is some fault.... uncle will come in morning only

Sanskar - cow are u planning to stay here whole night

Swara- i hate darkness it will eat me

Flashback ends
Swara shake sanskar

Swara- where are you lost light came

Sanskar - oh sorry

Swara-thanks sanskar ji

Sanskar - swara please avoid this ji

Swara- okay sanskar... good must be returned

Sanskar- i can guide you

Swara-it's okay..i will manage

Swara goes sanskar is restless..then he
See a chain on his bed ...he remembers it's of swara so he goes to return it but swara is in deep sleep he keeps the chain on table and turn to go he shocks to her dad

Harsh looks at his watch then at sanskar

Sanskar-i came to return her chain

Harsh - my daughter is a princess in all turns

Harsh came to sanskar and correct his tshirt

Harsh - if she loss this chain or i leave this project nothing matter to us but u can't handle it

Sanskar-uncle u are getting me wrong

Harsh- i believe it but never prove me correct.. okay good night see u then

Sanskar goes harsh cover swara with comforter and goes

Swara gets  up.... spell some mantras
Swara step down she smell unpleasant

Swara-from where this smell is coming

Swara follow the smell which lead her to raglak room
Ragini who is getting ready see her through mirror

Ragini - arhey swara get inside why are you standing outside

Swara-you are in danger

Ragini-what..what are u saying

Swara-yeh shaarir Saad raha hai ...kuch karo saadan fheljygi..nhi toh bht der hojygi

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