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Ragini-what are u speaking swara

Swara-truth urs laksh life is in danger

Swara goes sanskar who is passing looks at confused Ragini ...he ask about the matter..she tells him he too get confused

After sometime
Swara coming down sanskar pull her to a room there Ragini is also there but for there bad luck harsh saw it

Swara-u are hurting me leave my hand

Sanskar leave it before he could speak harsh comes

Harsh-whats going on here ...sanskar will u explain

Ragini-uncle please don't get us wrong  we just wanted to talk

Harsh- this is the way to talk ...u have called her to ur room ..what is that way

Sanskar-uncle matter was sensitive

Harsh-listen i don't give a damm about it remember i won't tolerate such behaviour again

Swara-dad calm down don't ...i am okay

Harsh- but i am not i have not given anyone the right to treat my daughter like this's last warning sanskar next time if it will repeat hell with the project for my daughter is important.. come swara

Dp study room

Dp-are u gone mad ...what are u trying to do

Sanskar-please trust me bade papa my intention were not wrong

Ram- then what were ur intentions were

Ragini- please trust us

Dp - leave this matter here itself , don't repeat it and sanskar stay away from her

Laksh is taking on phone while standing on gallery .. from above flower pot falls on his head ..laksh get unconscious

Raglak room
Ragini is sitting next to laksh tears where falling from her eyes ...

Harsh and swara came to see him as swara enter she feels someone presence..

Ap- ji one after another incident is happening please call guru ji please


Swara came from washroom she see in her mirror someone wrote...go from here before it's too late

Swara-warning intresting

Swara came down and go somewhere at that time guru ji came

Guru - this place is's not good place to stay u will not get piece

Ragini and pari is bringing tea snacks

Guru - from where this smell is coming

Ragini place the tray by looking at her guru ji gets up

Guruji - yeh andaar se Saad Rahi hai ..bht bada khatra m hai yeh ....Durga Prasad

Dp - ji guru ji

Guruji - leave this mansion know itself remember while going don't take anything from here ... before reaching your mansion change your clothes and burn it before reaching ur house

Dp-guru ji

Ap-what happened guru ji

Guruji -leave this girl.... broke your son's marriage with her

Ragini-what are u saying guru ji what i have done

Guruji - u had done nothing but u will become the reason of your family death specially ur husband

Laksh-shut up stop ur nonsense whatever happens i won't leave my wife

Guruji -ur destiny is in ur hand

He goes from outside swara was coming by seeing her he was going touch her feet but swara stops him he fold his paam

Guruji - maha Guru maa

Swara-what ... what are u saying I think u must be mistaken..

She goes in guru ji goes to a forest there he meet same aghori of temple..

Guruji -baba i meet her today but she didn't recognise her

Aghori - it's mahakali game ...15yrs before on saying of kaali maa we brought her to this  world of light and darkness power mantra tantra...due to kaali maa she lost her memory when correct time comes she will remember everything till then don't interfere in destiny game

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