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Swara who is lying down like lifeless body sanskar raglak comes to her ..tears were flowing from sanskar eyes ..he sits on his knees take swara on his lap

Sanskar- swara get up please i can't live without u ...i will die .. please get up


Laksh - we have to vacate this place

Sanskar-u both go i won't come living her

Swara starts suffocating in unconsciousness seven rings appears on her neck which were suffocating her see is breathing heavily

Ragini-tantra mantra ..sanskar stay away it's very dangerous in childhood dadi told me

Laksh-we can't save her

Sanskar-no if the tantra mantra is powerful then my love for her is shield

Sanskar cut his finger from broken glass piece and fill swara's hairline and make bindi on forehead and take rudraksha chain

Sanskar- considering it as mangalsutra i am accepting her as my wife

He tie it around her neck my love my love symbol will break this said power of love is beyond everything.. tantra breaks sanskar smiles in tears .
Swara gets up sanskar help her to get up
Swara gives a tight so to sanskar

Swara-what u have done sanskar are u out of your mind ...i am an aghori i can't marry it's a sin for us hard work every thing oh god

Ragini-swara he did to save u

Swara-it's better i have died's all because of u

Sanskar-shut up swara stop talking nonsense

Swara-u are talking nonsense i am an aghori why can't you understand

Sanskar-was .....swara had been aghori but know u are my wife and dare you insulted my love and this marriage...i will never force u to accept me or to stay u go where u wanted but truth will never change u are my wife and i will always love you

Swara push sanskar as result sanskar falls but swara is holding an invisible ray ..


Swara with her mantras bring knife and call Ragini and cut her paam blood comes trio shocks .. before anyone ask anything swara ask her to be quite..from her blood she make a circle and push Ragini inside as Ragini try to comes out fire appear

Swara-it's hell fire

Sanskar-what are u doing

Swara-parvathi gadodiya come out  ..i also know tantra mantra better than u  and more dangerous then u ...okay then

Swara started chanting mantras Ragini started suffocating and her neck also have rings

Sanskar-stop it what are u doing

Laksh try to enter swara with her power through him away parvathi comes runningly

Parvati - no stop it please

Swara stops it
Swara - Parvati gadodiya no lies tell them why you wanted to kill laksh and why u freed the souls which where captivated here by maha Guru

Parvati -

Swara with her power injure Ragini
Sanskar-stop it swara ..why are u punishing her for dadi's mistake

Swara-then tell dadi to speak

Dadi-yes I have did it to kill laksh ..he is a looser maheshwari industries where of adarsh and uttra know adarsh is sole owner and sanskar has karma ..will my Ragini will always be in back ..that's why when I get to know about this mahal it learn black magic before u all comes I came here and did siddhi

Swara free Ragini
Ragini slap dadi hard

Ragini-because of u sumi aunty went through lot then swara know because of u we lost uttra I lost my dignity don't u have shame to call urself woman...

Dadi-i did for ur better future

Ragini-dadi please value human than money laksh is a singer ..i don't want to see ur face go from here

Dadi understand her mistake she apologized and starts going but stops by hearing

Swara-is any serial drama going on if finished then comes to reality..dadi ji it's not a joke it's rakhta tantra u done it to kill in return of life now u decide what to do

Ragini-what u mean

Swara-sacrifice laksh or ur dadi

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