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Sanskar-swara seriously we don't understand anything

Swara - listen we are going to do tantra mantra to find solutions for your problem ...we can get help from pure soul also but in this mansion it's  not possible ..and bad atma will never help u ...then only rakhta yaksh who are enemies of souls we have to invite them .,.they will help u for blood

Sanskar-swara then what's the problem

Swara- for blood they are mad they will not stop in some drops and blood smell invite other yakshas too laksh u have to protect sanskar from them ....and Ragini your bady is having smell of soul who  ...( Trio understand) and you are that soul lust that's why they will definitely kill u ...

Sanskar-swara it's clearly suicide

Swara-it is u three has to fight for 99.99% to win ...sanskar raksht tantra is very very dangerous and

Ragini - and what swara

Swara- sinful yes full ..

Laksh-what u mean by sinful

Swara- u have to give nar Bali.

Trio rooted at there place

Sanskar-are u mad ..what are u saying are you out of ur mind u are saying to do a crime to save our life

Swara-it is only way it's tantra it's norms life for life if u want to save your life u have give someone else life

Ragini-no i won't involve in it

Sanskar-swara i am ready to die but not this

Swara-as u wish

All were going but stops by hearing

Laksh-i am ready

Ragsan shocks
Ragini - are u listening what you are saying

Laksh-i want to live i don't want to die inch by inch ..i will bring nar ..i won't back

After an argument ragsan convinced half heartedly ...

Swara- take sankalp but be clear once u take it then u can't back off

Trio- we are taking sankalp of rakhta tantra

Ragini- what i have to do

Swara- u have to hide yourself as u are never existed..ashes of graveyard and chandan on your complete body and hide yourself in between banana leads and u have to site on a isolated place

Trio where scared but not showing laksh call someone and sanskar comes to swara

Sanskar-swara what will u do

Swara-easiest job stop souls of the mansion to interfere

After an hour Ragini is sitting in storeroom in a big vessel cover with ashes and chandan and banana leaf covering her ..she is chanting mrityunjay Mantra she is scared badly

And swara in corner chanting some mantras by her mantra shield is  covering them ...

Sanskar and laksh hugs eachother there is a devil image is drawn by rangoli in corner of image a man is tied on a chair.. sanskar cut his hand vein blood flows he moves from his blood drops he made circle and then he comes inside the circle as the devil image mouth is open sanskar cut his neck vein blood drops on devil image mouth it's start getting fire sanskar falls on his knees...that man is trying to free himself..laksh is seeing sanskar helplessly

As laksh is seeing sanskar suddenly knocking sound comes from the door which is in his back side ...he looks at door sound increase suddenly door breaks rakhshas comes flyingly on that man many rakshas cover on the man as they stucking his blood laksh cover his mouth second that man converted to skeleton

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