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Swara looks surrounding
Swara- this mahel is holding many secrets

Sanskar - bloody hell ...why it's behind us what wrong we did this mansion is inauspicious

Something falls on sanskar but laksh saved him ..
Swara- it was someone house... someone heaven.. place were someone got peace

Sanskar holds her shoulder tightly
Sanskar - this bloody mahal taken my peace my sister my heaven

Swara push him with full force
Swara-u are in danger..go to ur guru ji he will help you ... accept Ragini

Ragini-why can't I go with them i am scared ... please i will also go

Swara- soul will not let u go ..

Sanskar - i will go laksh u be with her...swara

Swara- my dad just texted me he is coming to take me

Ragini-what u can't go leaving us please don't go

Swara- i can't go against my dad wish please

Sanskar - let it be Ragini she is stone hearted..

He goes swara looks at raglak

Swara- stay away from eachother..till u find solutions

Swara goes to 4th floor where Ragini has gone which is sealed....swara is going to remove the seal but someone pull her back ...swara look there is no one

Swara-who are you

Swara moves forward this area is work in progress so stones and things fly towards swara ..swara falls backward

Raglak comes to her now stones things with force comes towards them ..they got hurt

Swara-go from here

Ragini-u too come with us



Swara-i said go now

Raglak go from there force decreased..swara gets up and comes down

Sanskar with guru ji came he shock to see trio injury...raglak inform about it to them

Guruji - why it attacked u

Swara-his intension was not to hurt me it wants i should go from here

Guruji - sanskar told..u said here is three ghost


Guruji - we have to find who is this ghosts

Swara- yeah tha

Swara feels someone holds her small finger...swara looks at her side she see nothing...swara close her eyes

Swara-maa durga

Swara opens her eyes she see a little girl of 4 yrs is holding her finger seeing her swara eyes started looking at her all confused

Swara bend to her level
Swara-who are you

Soul-i am mummy...

Swara-what happened to ur mummy

Soul- she told me to wait here ...she told she will come to take me

Swara-what happened with u baby

Soul - i don't know didi ..that day a bad uncle came to take me he told my sell me to him ...i doesn't understand..i ran i that process i fallen from stairs and that uncle hit me with that pot then I don't remember anything

Guruji - there is a soul of 4yrs ( he tell same to sanraglak)

Ragini-how can anyone do this with a small child

Swara place her paam on the sole head ...

Sanskar - her parents must be cruel

Swara- she is ur elder sister sanskar

Sanskar - what nonsense..she is 4yrs old

Swara-because when she died her age was 4yrs

Ragini-why chachi chacha done this

Soul -go from here ..they will kill u

Swara- sanskar go ask ur parents..go..until u come i will stay here..go

Sanskar goes
Swara-danger doesn't end if u have to fight with them u have to know them tomorrow will be hectic day go and rest ..

Karmafahal (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now