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Swara goes to her room
Swara call her dad and inform him and request him to allow lot of struggle he agreed by his conditions

Swara goes to change...she feels someone presence she feels uncomfortable

door of washroom opens and someone push her out

Swara turn towards washroom door
Swara-i have gain my memory back i get to know about my powers and my real identity...i am an aghori ...

Ragini laksh comes her room ...
Ragini - why this all happening with me what i have done...god is always partial even in ramayan..if ram ji doesn't left ayodhya Sita ji lived happily for just killing ravan ... Mahabharat there is also he was partial

Swara-silly woman when good happened oh my God now why God ...for ur every question there is only one answer and it's karma ...u are getting karmafal ...curse of a dying lady ..sins of your gaurdian there karma and ur karmfal .... and about ramayan,.it's not only about killing ravan it's about killing ravan inside everyone it's about dignity of ramayan ram ji thought us No matter how bad the circumstances be in life, good will always prevail over evil.and Mahabharat teach usStand by what's right; even fight for it

Ragini - what sin my parents did

Swara- ask your parents

They here tire screaming voice sujata comes runningly trio comes down

Sujata - sanskriti... i am sorry baby come to me i never wanted bad happen with u when u are born ur dadi and dada want kill u as u are girl ..i send u to my brother

Swara-durga prasad maheshwari till when u are going to hide the secret

Ram- what are u saying

Dp join his paam and apologies
Dp-i have send men to kill her she was bad omen for us

His word remain incomplete

Ram-no that day i begged u for my daughter safety u doesn't thought to tell us these many yrs i was sending money jewellery.. when i said to meet my daughter everything was my mistake

A small child soul appear
Soul - maa..papa

Ram falls on its feet
Ram- i am sorry beta it's my fault i shouldn't have trusted him ...this many yrs thought u were happily married i don't want to trouble ur life 

Sujata - please punish me being ur mother i can't save u


Child laugh
Soul- look i am di to 28yr old brother was my last wish my parents know the truth maa this place is not safe

One more soul appear it was of uttra all looks at her painfully
Uttra- go from here mom dad Bhai please this palace is cursed

Sujata - meri betiya

Both smiles and disappeared

Sanskar-mom i know what u wanted to say but trust me nothing happen to me ..i won't leave my sister culprits

After arguments all goes except swasan raglak

Sanskar-now what.. what to do

Swara- before fighting u have to know who are they


Swara-three ghost three stories ...

Laksh - let's search we will get anything any hint we will get

Sanskar-okay good idea. Swara u come with me .. raglak

Laksh- we search in

Swara- wherever you want to but don't go to second floor right side .. that place is not safe

Sanskar-how u know

Swara-don't waste ur time in such questions

Raglak goes swara going to particular direction sanskar follow her

Swara follow her swara stops without turning

Swara-don't waste ur time coming behind me

Sanskar comes to her and pin her to wall

Sanskar- who are u ..

Swara- answer u know why u are asking

Sanskar shocks


Sanskar-shona where were u

He came to hug her swara shows him her paam

Swara-always remember i am an aghori


Swara- it's not the time

Karmafahal (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now