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Dadi-it means you are that child u are urvashi's and that rich man rajat daughter...whom urvashi exchanged with sumi and killed her child

Swara-u know only half truth urvashi's rich boyfriend name was shekhar gadodiya

Dadi-what nonsense he had relationship with your mom

Swara-listen to me first my mom and ur son was never in relationship urvashi and mom were bestfriends they meet at my house that's why u had miss understanding.. urvashi was pregnant..but urvashi got new man that's why she wanted to abort the child but ur son wanted the child till janaki ji was get pregnant but he never loved her ...your son convinced my mom to act pregnant and take urvashi's child as her my stupid my mom get convinced after delivery ur son coward backoff

Dadi-mean u are that child na

Swara- no that child was Ragini ....your son exchange the babies 

Dadi hit her forehead with her paam

Dadi - means that urvashi's illegal child was Ragini ..that's why that sahil's soul is behind her

Dadi going but stops and turn towards swara shockingly and comes to her

Dadi-it means u are my grand daughter u are my janki bahus child

Swara-dadi u are a brilliant actress how much you lie to me ...u know this truth before..u told everything lie a complete lie

Dadi-yes I told everything lie i tied u not to hurt but to stop u only ...i hate that girl I wanted to destroy her I want to see her crying blood tears ...that day u remember I hurt u in temple that night I get to know u are my grand daughter in drunken stage shekhar told everything to janaki I heard it bahu can't tolerate it she killed herself I came to u that knight but u were missing i have tried to find u everywhere u got missing.... It's u who has to be lived as our Princess it's ur right to be called as gadodiya

Swara-but this much cruelty in all this what's Ragini's mistake

Dadi-that she born to that bitch ... I found out everything..i freed sahil and told about her... because of her everyone called u impure know that girl is turned be impure

Dadi started laughing
Dadi-if u saved Ragini kavita will kill laksh ... whatever happens now i am happy

Swara-dadi who is with u in ur tantra whose will power is stronger than urs

Dadi - ur sasu maa sujata maheshwari when she gone from here she seen me she did double tantra with me as her both girl child died because of dp family similarly she want to kill laksh ..after his death Ragini will be destroyed

Dadi laughingly goes swara too turn to go but stops by seeing sanskar

Sanskar-swara what's all how could she

Swara-sanskar she has two children that pain is unbearable dreams of there marriage clashed because of dp ...that is making her her do all this

Sanskar-know what happen

Swara-sanskar one thing is clear and unchangeable truth we can't able to save laksh


Swara-tantra kavita and u remember rakht yaakus have bitten him ....laksh is loosing his human he can never able to step out of this mansion is soul will be captivated here

Sanskar-swara there must be some ways

Swara-there is a truth which i am hiding from morning...sujata ji and dadi done tantra with proper knowledge..laksh already died

Sanskar-what nonsense are u speaking u are confusing me if laksh died then who is with us

Swara-the moment rakhta yaakus but him his human started dying but laksh doesn't know what's happening with him the moment he understands that moment he will be great problem

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