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Swara-go sanskar ..i will be safe...and u too keep yourself safe for me

Sanskar-swara i love you ..

Sanskar turn to go but swara holds his paam sanskar turn to her swara hugs him and break the hug

Swara-i love u too my husband..sanskar in this world most powerful thing is love situation may arrive the soul get inside u for Ragini ... remember your love u will win go

Sanrag goes  swara looks at room were laksh is screaming...

Swara- hey guys situation may be wrong in life but never take support for tantra mantra stay away as much as u can

As sanrag goes to a room sanskar switch on the lights...Ragini light Diya lights gets on if burst ...Ragini shout in fear...sanskar comes to her

Sanskar-nothing happens to u

A voice surrounds in mahal

Voice- raginiiii raginiii i am coming to u sweetheart

Ragini get scared .. windows of room opens candles blow off

Sanskar burn the candle again turn towards Ragini but lady whose face is scary shout loudly candle blow off in fear sanskar falls backward


Ragini comes to him but that lady reappear and holds Ragini's hair and throw her towards wall .,..sanskar comes to Ragini he makes her stand and run towards door but Ragini feel hold on her paam she turn and see a lady who has no head has holds her paam.  Ragini screams loudly... kumkum falls on lady ...she loose the hold on Ragini ...


Swara-sanskar come  we have to hold till morning

Trio comes in hall ..

Sanskar-swara if we burn this haveli

Swara-sanskar don't wake your grandfather..

They hearing sound from a room where laksh is caged as someone is trying to break the door....

Swara-run he is not our laksh now

Laksh also run towards them they stop seeing darkness

Sanskar-swara i will run towards that corner till the time u both escape

Ragini-no i will not go leaving my laksh

Swara-emotional drama never end here

Sanskar-swara it's called family and relationships

Swara-but know he is not human he is abilities are thousand time more than us and keep relationship and all u most be alive

Laksh comes to them he eye balls were red before they react from her leg someone holds her and take to dark

Sanskar-swara u go behind Ragini i will handle laksh

Swara-sanskar (tell him something)

Tears form him in sanskar's eyes

Swara-sanskar is ur love is this much week and our relationship is on this chain

Sanskar with shivering hands remove the chain and remove blood from her from her forehead he is going to remove from hairline

Swara-holds his paam sanskar by removing this all nothing happens to me nor let anything happens to u ,...go

Sanskar goes swara through her powers bring ash which see apply on her body and started creating an idol ..

Sanskar goes behind laksh who is going towards swara he pull him back...laksh holds his neck sanskar is above in air ..sanskar is breathing heavily .. another hand of laksh hold it and taking his hand back from sanskar neck sanskar falls down and breathing heavily

Laksh-Bhai go before I loose control on myself

Karmafahal (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now