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Sanskar-can u say it in simple terms in which a normal person can understand

Swara-then listen in ur simple terms he is becoming vampire

Sanskar-what..u can do something please

Swara-sanskar it's destiny i can't go against it

Sanskar-why this is happening why we have to bear this all

Swara-karma sanskar...when it return for our deed it gives in interest

Sanskar-oh shut up swara this all is nonsense

Swara-what is nonsense in this all ...karma is not nonsense ur family had done many sin which fruit is u all are getting

Raglak comes to them
Ragini having tears sanskar stairing laksh in shock as blood is flowing in form of tears Ragini looks at laksh..laksh touch his tears he too get shock see blood

Ragini comes to swara ...she slaps swara hard swara falls backward sanskar holds her and make her stand


Ragini-this all is happening because of her ...from when she and her mother came to our life everything is destroyed

Laksh-Bhai why are you saying it's because of Ragini and her mothers

Sanskar-what i didn't utter a word

Ragini-yes sanskar ji doesn't speak a word

Sanskar-and you too Ragini u were hurt I understand but don't forget u are talking to my wife

Swara looks at sanskar and remember her childhood

Swara is crying badly by seeing her sanskar comes hugs her swara hugs him back

Swara- by all hut me ...i am gud gil

Sanskar-not gil it's girl

Swara-herl i am crling u are tesing me

Sanskar-it's here crying not crling and teasing..if u are saying wrong it's my responsibility to correct u and when i become big i will marry u then i will not let anyone to hurt u

Swara-promise pinky promiz

Sanskar-it's promise shona ..and who is this pinky's sanskar promise 

Flashback ends

Swara see sanlak rag fighting

Swara - shut up all of you if u want to here the truth then listen laksh u Destiny is already written till tomorrow either u will be died or will become vampire ..Ragini tomorrow u will be that soul's forever or to save urself u have do suicide if that soul allow u to ..the moment u become vampire u loose control on urself and kill us ..sanskar u are in danger for lifetime my enemies became ours know

Sanskar- i will love to share

All- shut up

Swara feel something she close her eyes and see dadi blowing of the fire from diya...and clock turn 11:55

Swara-only five minutes were remaining...dadi is blowing of light

Ragini-i will see her

Swara-it's not the time ..laksh choose any room and lock inside it and try yourself to cage i know it's not possible as clock turn 12 u will be complete vampire and u can't hold yourself to drink blood...Ragini try urself to be in light

They involve in hugs

Swara-go it's not the time for

Before she could say clock turn to be 12 laksh started shouting in pain swara with her power push him to a room ... suddenly bulb tubelight jhumer lamp everything started busting

Swara holds sanskar hand
Swara-sanskar i know u will be there in any situation but today u have to do duty of a brother in law u have to be her shield,.. don't let darkness surround her go

Sanskar-swara and u

Swara-let me be aghori for knight go

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