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Swasan had married properly they are going for a honeymoon on the way

Sanskar-rang mahal given u to me ...u are the best gift of my life everything has end there itself mahal is closed for ever

Swara smile and rest her head seat and close her eyes

Swara-Anth hi arambh hai (thinks)

Swara-there is three ghost in the mahal..and third one didn't came in front it was the deadliest

Swara-one is sahil another one is kavita

Sanskar-swara what happened


Sanskar-swara now past will never comes

In mm
Raglak room

Ragini is getting uneasiness and she faint doctor comes and check

Doctor - congratulations she is pregnant

Swara-story is waiting for it's new characters to complete

Karmafahal (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now