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May 3, 1991

Aiden Kazansky, a cute seven year old boy with sandy blonde hair, ran inside with a frog

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Aiden Kazansky, a cute seven year old boy with sandy blonde hair, ran inside with a frog. He found it in his mothers garden and picked it up. He held it carefully, feeling as it moved in his hand. He ran smiling, wanting to show his mother.

On the counter Aiden could spot a mostly empty glass of whiskey, the bottle missing. Aiden stopped momentarily, questioning if his mother would be in the mood. He went over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass. He set the frog on the counter and trapped it, wanting to make sure it can't get away.

Walking through his house he looks for his mother. This is normal Friday for him. Go to school, come home, play outside and check to see if his mother is sober enough to make food. Actually, this is a normal everyday occurance.

He found his mother in her bedroom. She was sitting on the white bed, looking out at the water. Aiden stood at the door frame, watching as his mother brought the whisky bottle to her mouth. Even with her back to him he could basicly see it.

"Momma," Aiden started quietly.

"What?" She spat. Aiden looked down at his hand and starts picking at the skin around his thumb. He swallowed the spit build up in his mouth before speaking.

"I-I found something I want to show you." He whispered but kept his voice loud enough so she could hear him. She stood, leaning more to one side before she stabled herself. Aiden quickly went to the kitchen with his mother behind him, still holding the bottle of whiskey.

"It's a frog--" He fell to the floor holding the side of his face that was hit. His eyes began to water as he rubbed his cheek.

"Take it outside!" His mother screams. "Don't ever bring anything like that into this house again! Do you understand me? Do you?!"

"Yes! Yes I understand!" Aiden sobbed. From his spot on the floor he could hear a glass being filled. He didn't expect it to be water.

"Get up and go to your room." She hissed. Aiden quickly got the frog and ran to his room, tears falling down his face. He closed his door quietly, not wanting to anger his mother anymore. He quickly went over to his window and opened it and gently threw the frog outside.

•  •  •

Aiden was coloring in his room when he heard his mothers drunk laughter and a man's voice. Aiden opened his door three inches, looking out into the hallway. He could see shadows moving and his mothers voice.

"Shh, we have to be quiet." She said. Aiden heard the man's laugh.

"We're gonna have some fun." Aiden could hear a bottle of pills being shook. His mother laughed again and began to round the corner. Aiden closed the door before she saw. He could hear laughter and soon after he could hear his mother. Aiden closed his door and went to his bed.

It wasn't rare for his mother to have people over. They were always males and they were never there when morning came. Aiden never understood who those men were and what they did with his mother behind closed doors. He didn't really care. As long as she didn't hit or yell at him he never cared.

•  •  •

When morning came Aiden walked out of his room and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs. He was never one for cereal, so instead he makes himself an egg. He cracked the egg in a bowl and placed it in the microwave after whisking it. As it cooked he walked down to his mothers room. The door is closed so he knocked. There was no answer.

"Momma?" Aiden questioned as he knocked a little harder. When there was no answer again he reached for the door handle. He opened the door and saw his  mother's hair. He walks over, making sure not to step on the thrown clothes on the floor and bottles of alchol. He shook her covered shoulder.

"Momma? Momma, wake up. Momma?" He climbs up on the bed and pulls the cover from her face. He touches her skin, feeling how cold it is. Aiden began to panic at his mothers nonresponsive state. He scrambled off the bed and grabbed the home phone from the bedside table. He dialed nine-one-one.

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"

"M-My mom, she's not waking up." Aiden panicked. He told the woman on the phone his address and started to cry. There's no one on his mothers side that is alive and he doesn't know his father. What if he doesn't want to take care of him? Where would he go? The woman distracted him by asking questions.

What's your favorite color?


What grade are you in?

S-Second grade.

What's is your favorite class?


Aiden could hear the sirens of an ambulance and cop cars. He went to the living room and watched as the ambulance pull onto the street.

"T-there here." He said to the woman. He opens the door as he sees medics run towards the home. After letting the authorities inside he sort of shut down.

'What is gonna happen to me' Aiden questioned.

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