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Top Gun- Day 1

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Top Gun- Day 1

Aiden walks behind Robert and Bradley into the large open wearhouse. In the center of the room are desks and a podium before a large American flag. Aiden pulls the cuffs on his uniform up a little higher on his arms.

He takes a seat behind Bradley as everyone soon finds their spots. Halo, Aiden's new WSO, sits next to him and gives him a smile. Soon Warlock walked into the area, every one stood.

"Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated." He says once he arrived at the podium. Aiden takes his seat and trained his eyes on Warlock.

"You're all Top Gun graduates," he began, eyeing the room, "the elite. The best of the best. That was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth generation fighter, has leveled the playing feild. Details are few but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box."

Hangman looked over at Pheonix, who flipped him off subtley. Aiden couldn't help but smile at Phoenix but kept his attention on Bates.

"Half of you will make the cut," Bates continues, "one of you will be names mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve." Hangman looks back at Bradley and Aiden takes this time to flip Hangman off himself quickly. He knows that Jake is just trying to get under Bradley's skin. But Aiden is more worried what will happen if he does.

"Your instructor is a Top Gun graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect that you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary. He is considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you may very well make the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell."

Aiden couldn't help the smile on his lips as he hears footsteps echo around the hangar. He looks up to watch Hangman run a hand over his embarrassed face, remembering how he and a few others threw Pete out of the Hard Deck.

"Call sign, Maverick." Bates finishs, stepping to the side as Maverick takes the spot.

"Good morning," Pete says with a smile. He looks around the room and locked eyes with Aiden, who smiles in return. Pete holds up the book he walked up to the podium with and holds it in the air.

"The F-18 NATOPS," Pete pats the cover of the thick book. "Contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I'm assuming you know the book inside and out."

"Damn right!" Payback speaks first, causing the edge of Aiden's lip to curve upwards in a small smile. Hangman says something similar:

"Damn straight." Aiden only nods his head in agreement. Maverick throws the large book into a nearby trash can. The action causes many of the pilots to sit up straighter. It makes Aiden sit straighter.

"So does your enemy. What the enemy doesn't know is your limits. And I attend to find them, test them, to push beyond. Today we start with what you only think you know. Show me what you're made of."

After Pete's little speech everyone goes and gets in their gear. Aiden noticed that Bradley was a little quiet so he walks over to him as he straps on part of his gear.

"Hey," Aiden starts, looking at Bradley. He doesn't say anything and keeps putting on his gear. The no reaction causes Aiden's stomach to knot. He suddenly wondered if he did something wrong, something that caused Bradley not to talk to him.

"D-Did I do something?" Aiden questions as Bradley grabs his helmet. Bradley sighs and turns to look at Aiden with a soft smile.

"No, let's get going." But Aiden couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe Bradley is lying. But it doesn't matter since he's about to fly, to show Maverick what he's learned.

•  •  •

Aiden walks with his helmet, in dark gold letters on the top it spells 'Hotshot'. He holds it with his left hand as he walks with Bradley to his aircraft. Halo is a few feet ahead of him. Aiden looks to his side at Bradley's helmet, reading 'Rooster'.

"Rooster" Aiden doesn't turn only because Bradley doesn't turn.

"Bradley." Still Bradley doesn't turn to Pete. Aiden continues to take glances at Bradley through their matching sunglasses.

"Lutenitute Bradshaw." Bradley slows to a stop, and nods at Aiden as he continues. After he's done with his checks he climbs into the aircraft.

Time to show what he's made of.

HOTSHOT - Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now