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Bradshaw Ressidence,  2002

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Bradshaw Ressidence,  2002

Bradley sat on his bed with his girlfriend on his lap. They were in a deep makeup session, which couldn't have happened at a better time. His mother was out, most likely with friends or driving around.

The school work that was needed to be completed was still in their backpacks which had been dropped off by the door as Alice leaned into Bradley more.

Bradley's hands rubbed up and down Alice's side under her shirt as they continue to make out. Alice hands reached for Bradley's belt as his phone started to ring. Bradley began to pull away from Alice when she grabbed his face with both her hands.

"Ignore it," she whispered. "Focus on me."

Bradley smiled and started to kiss her again. His phone stopped ringing for a second then started to ring again. Bradley pulled away again and Alice scoffed. Bradley pulled it out of his pocket and saw it was Mr. Kazansky. Bradley answered quickly. 

"H-hello, Mr. Kazansky. What can I do for you?"

Bradley almost dropped the phone at the news.

Aiden got in a car accident, he's in the hospital, he's been injured.

Bradley's throat felt like it was closing on him, his mouth going dry. He was trying to breath but he felt as if the air around him wouldn't go into his lungs.  He didn't even realize he was shaking until Alice took the phone from his hand, Mr. Kazansky had already ended the call by then, and Bradley sat back on the bed.

"I need to go." Bradley said as he stood again and reached for his shoes. Alice still held his phone with a questionable look on her face.

"Now? What happened?" Alice questioned as Bradley laced up his other shoe. His hands were working faster than his brain and he ended up making a knot instead of a bow with his shoe laces.

"I need to go." Bradley repeated again. He patted himself down, searching for his keys. He saw them on the bed and reached towards it. Bright yellow nails gripped it before he could.

"Tell me. What's more important than me right now?" Bradley rolled his eyes, mentally, of course. Alice needed to be the center of attention. No matter the place, no matter who was around. Bradley liked that fire in her. But only when it was necessary.

"The whole plan tonight was to meet your friend and have sex, now a singular phone call is ruining our night?"

"It's Aiden." Bradley told her. "He's hurt, he's in the hospital."

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