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Top Gun- Day 1

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Top Gun- Day 1

"Good morning, aviators. This is your Captain speaking. Welcome to basic fighter maneuvers." Maverick introduces. "As brief, today's excersise is fog fighting. Guns only. No missiles. We do not go below the hard deck of five thousand feet. Working as a team you must shoot me down or else."

"Or else what, sir?" Aiden hears Payback question. He sits in the room with everyone else, waiting for their turn to go against Maverick. Aiden prays quietly that Bradley keeps his cool, he knows that Bradley doesn't really like Pete. Why? He has no idea, and he never had the time to question it.

"I'll shoot back." Maverick replies. "If I shoot either one of you down you both loose."

"This guy needs an ego check." Hangman says as he plays with a toy aircraft. Aiden rolls his eyes but smiles non the less. It's been a dream to fly with Maverick, he's been wanting this since he was a kid. And now his dream is coming true.

"We'll see to that." Two guys say and smack their hand together.

"So let's put some skin in the game." Payback says.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Whoever gets shot down first gets two hundred push-ups." Payback says. Aiden mentally groans, knowing that he now has two hundred push-ups but he keeps his focus on the radio in front of him and Pheonix.

"Guys, that's a lot of push-ups." Aiden hears Pete say.

"Well, uh, they don't call it an excersise for nothing, sir." Fanboy tells him.

"You got yourselves a deal gentlemen."

The match ended with Bradley doing push-ups, since Pete got him out. Aiden watches with Pheonix, Fanboy, Payback.

"Should be us down there." Fanboy says, knowing that Bradley saved them and he's now paying for it.

Within a few minutes it was already time for Aiden to go. Sadly, his wingman has to be Hangman first. Once they were in the air Hangman had to start something.

"So, Hotshot? Did daddy put a good word in for you?" Hangman questions from his aircraft. Aiden rolls his eyes, but the words still make him uneasy.

"Zip it bagman." Aiden says as he looks for Maverick.

"Whoa. Did I strike a nerve?" Hangman laughs when Aiden doesn't answer. It isn't true, he hot into Top Gun off of how good he is. But sometimes he does wonder if his dad put in a good word in.

"Where is he?" Aiden questions Halo, but he heard Pete's voice first.

"Right here." He says right as his aircraft emerged between Aiden's and Jake's. Aiden cussed out a 'shit' as he steadied his aircraft. Maverick goes after Aiden first.

"Left! Left!" Halo yells as she spots Maverick coming up on his right quickly. Aiden moves quickly, and tries to get his gun on Maverick. However Maverick dropped and came back up right behind Aiden and Halo. His gun locked on them a second later.

"Sorry, Hotshot. Now where's your wingman?"

"Right here, old timer." Hangman says as he tries to get a shot on Maverick. Aiden takes this time to remove the mask off his face. He sighs and starts his descend back to the ground.

Hondo began the count to two hundred. Aiden's arms felt like they were on fire, Halo is next to him, her bangs stick to her forehead with sweat. Hangman is next to him as they continue. Aiden has to admit that Jake looks pretty good with sweat on his body. If he wasn't such an asshole Aiden would have tried to  Hangman on a date. Sadly some people can't be kind and handsome.

Bradley walks up to Aiden as he gets onto push-up number forty four, and gives him a smile. Bradley crouched down when Hondo says 'forty five, down'.

"How long did you last?" Bradley questions Aiden. Aiden breaths heavily as he does another push-up.

"Longer than you will this time."  Aiden says with a smile, showing that he's being humorous.

"We'll see about that." Bradely says as Pheonix and Bob walk past them. Theres something playful in his voice that makes Aiden fall in love with him all over again. But he chuckles as he goes down for another push-up, trying not to remember their young love. 

•  •  •

Aiden was incorrect, Bradley lasted pretty long when he was with Bob and Pheonix. However Aiden was worried now. Up next is Bradley and Hangman. And Bradley's already upset about Pete. He doesn't need Jake to be an asshole too.

"Say, Rooster. Mind if I ask a personal question?" Aiden hears Jake question.

"Would it matter if I did?"

"So what's the story with you and Maverick?"


I'm so tired. . . anyways.

Trying to continue writing in all my books.

next update: ???

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