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The Bradshaw Ressidence- 1993

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The Bradshaw Ressidence- 1993

Pete "Maverick" Mitchell sat in the drivers seat of his TVR 390 SE Convertible with Aiden Kazansky in the back. Over the radio Paradise City by Guns N' Roses was playing, Maverick sang softly. Aiden watched the scenery change and questioned Maverick again on where they were going.

"Why are we leaving Mr. Kaz-my dad?" Aiden corrected himself. Despite living with Tom, Aiden still hasn't gotten used to calling him dad, since he only started to do it recently.

He accidently said it when Tom took Aiden out for ice cream. He allowed Aiden to order anything he wanted from the list. Anything. But Aiden only asked for a double scoop of cookies n' cream. Aiden was so happy when he got the bowl that the word 'dad' followed after. Tom easily could have started crying . He didn't expect Aiden to call him dad so soon, which only added to his emotions.

"He's going to be busy this weekend. So you're going to spend time with someone I know." Maverick said, his voice wavering near the end.

Thinking about Nick "Goose" Bradshaw was enough to cause Pete's heart to hurt. Even seven years later. Aiden could hear the pain in Pete's voice, so he doesn't question it any further. But somehow he feels as if he caused it.

When Pete pulled into the driveway of a home a blonde hair woman is in the front yard. She smiled at Pete as he stepped out of the vehicle. Aiden followed after, grabbing his green backpack from beside him.

"It's good to see you, Pete." The woman smiled. Aiden stood behind Pete as he smiles at the woman. She reminded Aiden of his mother, blonde hair, tall. The thought of her acting like his mother almost made Aiden want to run back to the car and hide.

"Carole, this is Aiden. Aiden, this is Carole." Pete introduced them and slightly moved his leg so Carole could see the boy. Carole smiled and kneeled to the ground to get level with Aiden.

"Hi." Aiden wispered. Carole smiled, and extended her hand a bit. The sudden movement caused Aiden to flinch and burry his head behind Pete's legs. Carole pulled her hand back, a concerned look on her face.

"Let's head inside." Pete suggested. The three of them go inside. The home was small but very pleasing. A large glass door lead out to their backyard from the dining room. Their circle table sat in the middle of the room, three chairs around it. Aiden noticed someone outside playing, it peaked Aiden's interest to find out who it is.

"My son, Bradley, is outside side. You can go talk to him if you like." The woman says as she and Pete take a seat at the table. Aiden set his bag down on the floor before opening the glass door and closing it gently behind him. The deck lead straight out to their backyard where Aiden sees a boy. He looked to be his age, blondish brown hair, playing with a toy plane.

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