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A random restaurant, 2002

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A random restaurant, 2002

All of Bradley's dreams were slowly becoming true. He had gotten good grades so far, he'd be keeping up on school work, and. . . he had gotten himself a girlfriend.


Her name was Alice and Bradley was sure that he'd found the love of his life. Alice was nice, hot, and liked the same movies as him. She was everything Bradley was looking for in a woman.

And she loved to party.

Aiden stayed happy for his bestfriend. What else could he do. At this point in his life he'd came to the conclusion that he was 100% gay, a homosexual, a 'fairy'. Does anyone know this information? No. Does Bradley know his bestfriend is gay? Nope. Aiden is to afraid of what Bradley would think of him.

So he decided to keep his slowly growing feelings to himself.

Bradley doesn't think that Aiden likes Alice very much. When ever she's with them Aiden's mood would change. It would become almost gloomy and Aiden would become very quiet. But Bradley didn't know how to question Aiden. He doesn't want to come off as rude, but he still wants to know why.

So Bradley decided to invite Aiden to formally meet Alice. Despite Aiden not really wanting to he couldn't say no to Bradley. And the way Bradley looked at him, his eyes begging for Aiden to say yes. Aiden didn't how that an eighteen-year old eyes could look like that.

Aiden sat awkwardly across from Bradley and Alice. Aiden played with his fingers, pulling the skin on his thumb near his nail. After a minute he looked up and saw how Bradley was talking with Alice. His eyes were focused on her, he was lightly leaned close to her so she can hear him over the music.

Aiden wanted that. Why can't he have that?

"So, Aiden," Alice questioned as she brought her drink to her lips. "Tell me about yourself." She smiled. Aiden swallowed the lump in his throat before answering.

"Oh, um, there isn't much to tell." Aiden admitted. Bradley smiled softly and then startd to talk about Aiden to Alice. Soon all three of them were laughing over stories. Aiden's first car accident, Bradley's first time eating sushi, Bradley's first time trying olives on pizza since he was ten.

Alice excused herself, stating she needed to use the rest room, before standing and walking away. Bradley watched for a moment before looking at Aiden who eats a fry off of his plate.

"So," Bradley drawed out. Aiden, mid chew, gave Bradley a look of confusion. Bradley sighed. "Do you like her?"

Aiden swallowed his fry before looking at his plate. She's nice, she's kind. She hasn't given Aiden a reason to be upset with her, but he can't help the jealously he feels.

"Yeah, yeah I think she's good for you." Aiden admitted to Bradley. Bradley smiled, disregarding Aiden's tone.

"I really appreciate you doing this." Bradley spoke up after a moment of silence. Aiden smiled lightly,

"If it makes you happy then I'll do it." Aiden stated.

•  •  •

The three teens continued with their meal and continued to laugh about stories. And, sadly, bothered end of dinner, Aiden became a third wheel as Alice and Bradley kept making googly eyes at eachother.

When Aiden stepped out into the night air he sighed. It felt good to be out, but Aiden couldn't shake a sad feeling he's been experiencing since the start of dinner. Instead of thinking more about it Aiden went to his car and started it up.

Aiden drove silently with the radio playing quietly. But the quiet made him vulnerable to his emotions. His mind kept replaying small thing he noticed at dinner.

The way Bradley smiled at Alice. The car speeds up a bit.

The way Bradley lightly held Alice's hand in his own. Aiden could feel the tears escaping his eyes.

The way-- Aiden slows the car when he comes to a four way stop. He looks both ways before continuing straight. The road begins to curve then Aiden comes face to face with a car on his lane.

Aiden didn't have enough time to do anything, the car was going fast and hit Aiden. Both cars spin out of control and Aiden's spin into a ditch. The windshield broke and pieced of it were inside the vehicle. Aiden tried to push himself up from his slanted position on the steering wheel but he felt so tired. Instead he searched his pockets for his phone. When his fingers found it he pulls it out and dials 911.

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"

"Car accident, on. . . on Eastwood and Salk Road. I-I can't get out."

"Sir, can you see the other driver? Are they okay?" Aiden looked around, trying to see if he could spot the other car but couldn't do so.

"I don't see them." Aiden tells the voice. He rubs his forehead lightly and pulls his hand away.

Blood coats his skin.

A/n: Just a short chapter. Just trying to get back into writing. Hope u enjoy~

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