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July 5th, 2005

Aiden woke with the sun in his eyes, and he turned away. There was a weight on his waist and the sound of soft snoring behind him. Aiden opened his eyes again and found himself face to face with Bradley.

Last night, when Bradley and Aiden excused themselves from the late night fire, they went to Bradley's room where they just held each other and fell asleep. Now, Aiden is holding himself back from waking Bradley by kissing him. Instead he rolls out of bed, making sure not to wake Bradley, and heads to the kitchen. He noticed almost immedently a note on the counter and picked it up.

Picking up doughnuts and coffee. Don't eat anything until I get back so you have room for food.

                                                                                  - Love ya

Aiden smiled and decided to relax on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table. The windows in the living room were open, allowing the cool morning air inside. It smelled of cut grass and sea water. It smelled like summer.

Aiden didn't realize that Bradley had walked out of his room and towards him until the last second. Aiden could feel the slight tension in the air as Bradley took a seat next to him. They didn't speak for a moment, both unsure of what to say. Aiden want to question Bradley, to make sure that their moment last night was real. And Bradley wants to kiss Aiden right here on the couch.

"I'm surprised no one is drunk in the living room." Bradley chuckled out, his laugh filling in the quietness of the house. Aiden smiled, the tension lifting.

"Your uncles do know how to party." Aiden smiled wide, his teeth showing. Bradley's eyes soften and he places his hand atop of Aidens. His hand is warm and Aiden felt his face warm. Bradley smiled and leaned closer and laid his head down on Aiden's shoulder. The touch sent sparks through Aiden's body and he reacted by placing his head on Bradley's.

"You know I meant what I said. Last night." Bradley said as he ran his thumb over Aiden's nuckles. "I really do like you, Aiden. A lot actually."

Aiden felt a rush of emotion, and his vision blurred slightly as tears formed. His mother told him that he would never find love, ever. She told him he would be alone because he doesn't deserve love. And now he has Bradley.

Bradley felt Aiden's shoulder shake as the emotions flood him. He knows mostly about Aiden's mother and some of the things she's said to him. So seeing Aiden break like this isn't uncommon. But it still broke Bradley. He held Aiden's face between his hands as Aiden broke down. Bradley holds Aiden, allowing Aiden to burry his head into his shoulder.

"You're okay. Baby, you're okay. I got you." Bradley mummbled as he held Aiden tightly.

"D-Don't let me go." He heard Aiden's muffled voice beg.

"I won't, baby. I'll never let you go. You're stuck with me." Bradley jokes. Aiden laughs a bit but doesn't move from his spot on Bradley. Bradley leans down and kissed Aiden on the forehead.

For twenty minutes they sat like that, in each others arms as they wait for coffee and doughnuts. Bradley continued to give Aiden light kisses, making the boy happier each time. When the coffee arrived they untangled themselves from each other. They drank their coffe and laughed over stories.

It was a perfect Fourth of July weekend.

April 2009

"I think we need a break." Bradley said, his eyes casted on the floor. He and Aiden had just gotten out of a heated argument over the Naval Academy application.

Aiden got in. Bradley did not.

Aiden has no idea why. Bradley thinks he knows.

It's a very sensitive topic for the both of them, flying, the academy. Bradley wants to be like his father. Aiden needs to prove to be better than his, than his name and status.

"A break?" Aiden questioned, his eyes going wide. He and Bradley have 'fought' before. Rare occasions and about dumb things. But they've never had to take a break in their relationship.

"We both need to clear our heads." Bradley told him, his anger rising. He believes Aiden is playing dumb, that he is really knows why Maverick pulled his papers. And its making Bradley very mad.

"For how long? A few weeks? A month?"

"As long as it takes!" Bradley yelled, and the moment the words left his mouth he wanted to take them back. Aiden looked hurt, broken. The last time he saw him like that was when they first got together almost four years ago.

"Fine." Aidn said, his eyes becoming filled with tears that stayed in his eyes. "I guess we're taking a break for as long as it takes." His voice cracked.

"Fine." Bradley said right back, then yelled at himself. He's hurting Aiden, and he can see it, but it doesn't stop him from brabbing his keys to his car and brushed past Aiden on the way out. He needed a drive and maybe a drink. But the only thing that was going through his mind was how broken Aiden looked.

But he must've known. He's a Kazansky. His dad is Iceman and Maverick is basicly his uncle. Theres no way he didn't know, right?

A/n: I really wanted to post for this but I did another backstory instead. I promise I will update more.

Anyways, enjoy~

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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