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Top Gun - Day 1

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Top Gun - Day 1

Bradley pursed his lips together, fighting off the urge to tell Hangman to shut it. But Hangman continued.

"He seems like he hs you a little rattled." Hangamn says as he looks over at Bradley's aircraft. Since he got no reaction out of Bradley he decided to ask other questions he's been having.

"So, you and Hotshot go way back, huh?"

"Yeah, we do." Bradley's responce was quick and laced with slight anger. Bradley knows giving Jake what he wants isn't going to make him stop asking questions.

"No need to get snappy with me Roost, just asking some questions." Hangman smiles. "Just doesn't seem like you guys are best buddies right now." Jake says.

"That's none of your buisness. Now where is he?" Bradley questions, refering to Maverick.

"Been here the whole time." Maverick says. His fighter jet does a roll over Bradley's, leaving Maverick hanging upside down just a few feet above Roosters jet.

"Holly shit," Hangman says as he watches them.

"See me now?" Maverick questions Bradley. "Come on, let's get it over with."

"Fights on!" Bradley yells as the two of them begin to fall, circling perfectly.

"What is with these two?" Hangman questions as he moved his jet to watch them.

•  •  •

Aiden sits listening to the radio, hearing how Bradley and Pete are having a argument in the middle of training. Aiden knows that Bradley never liked Pete growing up. But that doesn't give Bradley an excuse to put himself in harms way.

Aiden walks out if the facility and towards Bradley. He could see from a far that he hasn't stopped doing his push-ups. Aiden basically stormed over to him just as Bradley finished his push-ups, sitting on the ground.

"Breaking the hard deck, insubordination. Are you trying to get kicked out?"

"Don't worry about it." He tells Aiden. Aiden kneels down in front of Bradley.

"I'm going on this mission. But if you get kicked out you leave us flying with Hangman." Aiden tells him. Bradley still hasn't looked up yet, and Aiden wants to grab his chin. He wants to tell Bradley to not let Pete get under his skin.

"He pulled my papers." Bradley says simply. "He pulled my application to the naval academy. Set me back 4 years. And you knew."

Aiden felt as if someone took his heart and squeezed all the love out of it. The pit in his stomach formed as Bradley looked up at him. He's angry, really angry.

"I didn't--," Aiden tries to say but Bradley stood quickly.

"Oh, you didn't know. When your dad is Iceman and Pete is basically your family! You want me to believe that you had no idea!? None?!"

"Is this why you stopped talking to me?" Aiden whispers. He doesn't want to cry, not in front of Bradley. "Is this why you left me?"

Bradley swallowed hard. Yes, he and Aiden were dating when he got the news. Yes, he broke up with Aiden, and yes it might've been because of the papers. But he didn't tell Aiden that. He just said he wanted to focus on flying. Which meant he limited his contact with Aiden. He knew he should've talked to him, but he didn't. And he has lived with the consequence.

When Bradley came to his senses he could see Aiden walking away, fast. He cursed under his breath and quickly jogged after him. He made his way into the locker rooms where Aiden was quickly changing. Bradley could see the tears falling on his cheeks and onto his discarded uniform.

"Y-you really think I would keep something like that from you?" Aiden question once he was finished changing. Bradley hadn't spoken since he walked into the changing room. "I would cry my self to sleep wondering what I did wrong, w-why you left me. Why you stopped loving me."

Bradley wants to hug Aiden and tell him he's sorry. He's sorry for making false accusations, for making feel unlovable. So he does. He walked straight to Aiden and hugged him.

Aiden hugged back. He wouldn't forgive Bradley just yet, but now he knows that it isn't his fault brings him a sort of relief. He hugged Bradley like he was his life line.

"I'm sorry," Bradley whispers. "I know it doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry."


Little angst. Gotta love it sometimes. Anyways, here's a new chapter. Yay!

Just wanted to post so you know I haven't forgotten about this book. (Not yet)

And I want to clarify that Bradley and Aiden did date (about a year) then he was told that he was held back. He believed that Iceman or Pete must've told him something and decided to focus mainly on becoming better.

I kind of want this to be a second change type story. So let's see how well I can do it.

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