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California- July 1st, 2005

Aiden smiled as Bradley continued to drive down the highway. He couldn't be happier. Bradley's annual fourth of July party is coming up. He's been going since he's known Bradley, and he hasn't missed one. And this will not be his first.

He cranks up the music, singing loudly to whatever came on. Bradley sang along with him, his sunglasses over his eyes. They settled down when they pulled into Bradley's mothers driveway. She sits out on the porch, a lit cigarette between her fingers. She smiled at them as they stepped out of Bradley's convertible, and walked down to meet them.

"Oh, my baby boy." She greets Bradley. Bradley smiles and hugs his mother. Once she let's go of Bradley she greeted Aiden, hugged him tightly.

"Oh, it's lovely that you came to visit." She said as she walked inside.

"Ma, we were here last month. You're acting like it's been years." Bradley says as they walk inside. Everything looks the same. As if nothings moved since the last time they were here.

"Bradley, your cousins are coming. Why don't you head out and grab some drinks. You know who your uncles are." Bradley was about to decline, wanting to relax but his mother gave him a look.

"Okay." And with that Bradley grabbed his keys again and headed out. Carole looks at Aiden, waiting for him to speak.

"Not yet." He whispered. Carole hugs him, holding him close.

"You know nothing will change. He's always gonna be there for you. Even if you tell him." Carole is referring to Aiden's crush on Bradley. And Carole suspected something the last time they were over. How Aiden would smile at Bradley as if he was the sun, how flustered he would become when Bradely would talk about him.

"I want to. But," Aiden's voice became quiet. "I don't know what I would do if I loose him."

• • •

July 2nd , 2005

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July 2nd , 2005

Aiden was watching some TV when he heard something fall in the kitchen. He rolls out of Bradley's bed and heads towards the noise.

In the kitchen he finds Bradley ready to cook some eggs. Bradley, who must've heard Aiden's footsteps turns and greats him.

"Dropped the pan." He tells Aiden with a smile. He watches as Bradley's eyes fell down to his chest for a moment. His bare chest. Aiden quickly became embarrassed and turned a slight shade of pink. Bradley looked back at Aiden's face.

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